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The Undergraduate Calendar



Faculty of Applied Health Sciences


Minor in Gerontology

The Minor in Gerontology is open to University of Waterloo students who wish to obtain some specialization in gerontology.

Degree Requirements for the Minor

  1. Students must be in an honours or four-year general program at the University of Waterloo.
  2. An overall minimum average of 67% is required for courses presented for the minor.
  3. Normally, a maximum of 2 courses (1.0 unit) obtained on Letter of Permission or in transfer credit may be applied toward fulfilment of the Minor in Gerontology course requirements. These courses must be equivalent to courses listed in the course requirements as assessed by the school/department offering the replaced course. 
  4. Successful completion of 5.0 units from the following requirements:
  • Required courses (1.0 unit):
    GERON 201/HLTH 201 (normally should be taken before List A or List B courses)
    GERON 400/HLTH 400 
  • Restricted elective courses (List A plus List B must total 4.0 units):
    • List A (a minimum of 2.0 units) from the following: 
      GERON 245/HLTH 245
      GERON 255/SCI 255
      GERON 352/HLTH 352/KIN 352/REC 362/SOC 352
      GERON 355/BIOL 355
      HLTH 253/SOC 253
      HLTH 451
      KIN 406
      KIN 418
      REC 361
      SOCWK 367R
    • List B (remaining units to a total of 4.0 units) from the following:
      GERON 210/HLTH 210/KIN 210
      GERON 218/HLTH 218/PSYCH 218
      GERON 220/HLTH 220
      HLTH 407/KIN 407
      HLTH 420/GEOG 432/PLAN 432
      KIN 422
      KIN 429
      KIN 456
      PHIL 226
      PSYCH 398
      SOC 248
      SOCWK 240R
      An approved course in statistics (a list of approved courses is available from the School of Public Health and Health Systems Undergraduate Office).

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567