Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
Examinations and Standings |
Examinations and Standings |
- Final Examinations
- To pass a course, a student must obtain a minimum of 50% in the combined term and examination marks. Some courses/instructors may not require final examinations. In such cases term work only will be used in determining a final grade.
- Regulations concerning examinations may be found in Examination and Related Matters.
- Students absent from an examination, except for properly certified reasons, do not have make up privileges.
- The Faculty of Applied Health Sciences does not grant supplementary examinations for students who fail courses.
- Numeric grades in the range 0-100 are assigned in most of the courses in the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences. The minimum passing mark in all courses is 50%. Certain Applied Health Sciences courses may be graded as on a Credit granted (CR) or No credit granted, failure recorded (NCR) basis. Further information is outlined in the Grading System in the undergraduate calendar.
- If a student does not write a final examination and does not give a properly documented reason (e.g., illness), the instructor will either submit a grade of Did not write examination, no credit granted (DNW) or submit a numerical grade based on the term work, with a grade of zero for the examination.
- In exceptional circumstances, for example, an examination missed due to illness, an instructor may assign a grade of Incomplete course work, no credit granted (INC).
- A medical certificate presented in support of an official request for relief from normal academic requirements must provide all the information requested on the University of Waterloo Verification of Illness form or it will not be accepted. This form can be obtained from Health Services.
- A grade of Incomplete course work, no credit granted (INC) which is not cleared by the deadline set by the instructor, which will be no later than 12 months after the end of term, will be automatically converted to a Failure to complete course requirements in a course with a grade of INC, no credit granted (FTC) which will have the effect of counting a grade of 32% in average calculations.
- Students should not register (again) in a course for which they have received an Incomplete course work, no credit granted (INC).
- All grades awarded to a student are recorded on their University of Waterloo official transcript. Students may view their official grades and standing on Quest after final grades have been posted.
- If a student fails a course, then repeats the course and passes it, both courses are shown on the official transcript and both grades are counted in the cumulative overall and/or major average.
- This same rule holds for a student who repeats a passed course, however, the student will not receive a second academic credit for that repeated course.
Term Dean's Honours List
- To recognize outstanding academic achievement, the faculty has established the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Term Dean's Honours List.
- To be included on the Dean's Honours List at the end of each academic term, the student must:
- Be registered in at least 2.0 units per term.
- Achieve a minimum cumulative overall term average of 80%.
- The designation "Term Dean's Honours List" will appear on the student's transcript.
- Students will not be eligible for consideration of Term Dean's Honours List status if they have any failing grade, including any Incomplete course work, no credit granted (INC), Did not write examination, no credit granted (DNW), No mark reported, no credit granted (NMR), Grade under review or disciplinary proceedings underway, decision pending, no credit granted (UR), Failure to complete course requirements in a course with a grade of INC, no credit granted (FTC), No credit granted, failure recorded (NCR).
Graduating Dean's Honours List
- Graduating students with a minimum cumulative overall average of 80% and a major average of 80% and no failing grades including Did not write examination, no credit granted (DNW) or Failure to complete course requirements in a course with a grade of INC, no credit granted (FTC), will have the designation "Graduating Dean's Honours List" appear on their graduation diploma.
- Standing
- Decisions on academic standings are made at the end of each academic term.
- Students must meet the minimum cumulative overall average and major average as shown in the chart below in order to be eligible to continue in their plan. Cumulative overall average is based on all courses taken at the University of Waterloo, whether passed or failed. For all joint and double honours plans, the major average of both majors must be satisfied.
- A student’s academic standing is determined by the averages attained:
- Cumulative Overall Average: Average of the grades in all courses taken regardless of faculty.
- Cumulative Major Average: Average of the grades in all courses taken with the student’s plan (eg. major, minor, option). Normally all courses taken under the rubric of the student’s plan, including cross-listed courses (HLTH for Health Studies courses and Health Promotion courses, KIN for Kinesiology courses, REC for Recreation and Leisure Studies courses) are included in the plan average regardless of whether any of these courses are in excess of the minimum required by the plan.
- The following chart provides minimum grade requirements that will be used when reviewing and making decisions:
Cumulative Overall Average
Cumulative Major Average
(Honours Programs)
Health Studies*
63% |
67% |
Health Promotion**
70% |
75% |
63% |
67% |
Recreation and Leisure Studies
65% |
70% |
(General Programs)
53% |
60% |
Recreation and Leisure Studies
60% |
65% |
* Students must achieve a minimum cumulative overall average of 63%. Students must achieve a minimum cumulative major average of 67% calculated based on a minimum of 2.0 HLTH units attempted.
** Students must achieve a minimum cumulative overall average of 70%. Students must achieve a minimum cumulative major average of 75% calculated based on a minimum of 2.0 HLTH units attempted.
- Students who meet the academic requirements for their plan will be in Excellent, Good or Satisfactory standing, depending on the plan, term, and cumulative overall and major averages. Failure to meet minimum average requirements for the plan may result in a Conditional Standing or a Failed decision. Students with a Conditional Standing are strongly advised to meet with their academic advisor for plan-specific advice or a success coach for strategies to overcome barriers to academic success. Students with a Conditional Standing are normally given only one additional term to attain a Satisfactory standing.
- Students who receive a Conditional Standing at the end of their first or second term of study may, in consultation with their academic advisor, choose to enroll voluntarily in the Foundation Term. This option may also be available to students whose academic advisors feel they would benefit from the Foundation Term.
- Students may be Required to Withdraw from the faculty at any time under special circumstances, such as leaving their plan without notification or failing to write examinations.
- General students who raise their cumulative overall average and major average to honours levels may apply to be readmitted to honours plans.
- Students who have been inactive for three or more terms must apply for readmission to their plan. Note that work terms are not considered inactive terms.
- Readmission following a "Failed" Decision
- Readmission applications will be considered only if it is the student’s first Failed decision within the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences.
- Students who receive a Failed decision at the end of their first or second term of study may complete a Foundation Term or sit out two consecutive terms as a condition of readmission.
- Normally, students in 2A or above who receive their first Failed decision may apply for readmission to the University of Waterloo after an absence of two consecutive academic terms (eight months). Students seeking readmission should meet with an academic advisor and submit an application for readmission for one term of non-degree studies (see Non-Degree Term description below) at least two months prior to the requested term of readmission. A co-op work term immediately following a Required to Withdraw standing is not counted towards the two term absence.
- If a student is granted readmission into a program in the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences:
- The student's cumulative overall and major (plan specific) averages will be cleared – that is, grades achieved in all previous course work will not be counted in the calculation of cumulative averages.
- All previous University of Waterloo course attempts and grades will remain on the student’s mark reports and transcripts.
Non-Degree Term
- The student may use this one non-degree term to meet the specified criteria for readmission into any program in the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences, another faculty at the University of Waterloo, or another academic institution. Normally, no further non-degree terms will be granted.
- Students requesting readmission or transfer to another faculty within the University of Waterloo must clarify admission requirements with an academic advisor from that respective faculty. Written proof of stated conditions must be indicated and accompany the application for readmission.
- If, following the term of non-degree studies, a student is granted readmission into a program in the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences:
- The student’s cumulative overall and major (plan specific) averages will be cleared – that is, grades achieved in all previous course work will not be counted in the calculation of cumulative averages.
- All previous University of Waterloo course attempts and grades will remain on the student’s mark reports and transcripts.
Eligibility for Co-op
- Students must be in an honours academic plan to be eligible for the co-op program.
- Students in the School of Public Health and Health Systems must meet the minimum degree requirements for their plan to continue in co-op. That is, they must maintain a minimum Satisfactory standing.
- Petitions (Petition for Exception to Academic Regulations (Form 70A)) are requests from students seeking exceptions to, or relief from, normal faculty or university rules and regulations because of special circumstances which must be documented, such as illness or bereavement.
- The Faculty of Applied Health Sciences' Standing and Promotions Committee will review the petition and make a decision. This decision is final. The decision will be forwarded via email to the student.
- The Standing and Promotions Committee does not accept petitions for selective removal of low grades.
- Students who wish to question their final grade should document their reasons in writing and consult with the course instructor. This may lead to either requesting an official reassessment of the grade or to an appeal. Please consult University of Waterloo Policy 70 - Student Petitions and Grievances for further information.
Submission of Course Material
- When courses are concurrent and in situations where a student wishes to submit a body of material to satisfy the requirement of more than one course, the student must notify the instructors of both courses of her/his intention, so that they may each decide what is appropriate for their own course.
- When one of the courses has been taken in a previous term, the current course instructor must be notified by the student of her/his intention of submitting the same course material. The current instructor has the final decision on the extent to which the material is allowed.