The four "core" courses selected must include:
CM 339/CS 341 Algorithms
CM 340/CO 250 Introduction to Optimization
CM 361/STAT 341 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
In addition, the following courses are required:
All of
CM 461/STAT 440 Computational Inference
CM 462/STAT 442 Data Visualization
CM 463/STAT 441 Statistical Learning - Classification
CM 464/STAT 444 Statistical Learning - Function Estimation
Two of
CM 442/CO 367 Nonlinear Optimization
CS 348 Introduction to Database Management
CS 486 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Either three (1.5 units) non-math courses in each of two areas of application of data-mining, or six courses in a single area of application. Of these at least one must be at the 300- or 400-level. These courses must be approved by a Computational Mathematics advisor.