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Faculty of Mathematics

Admission to Specific Honours Academic Plans

Admission to Specific Honours Academic Plans

At any time prior to their 3A term, honours students in good standing within the Faculty will be eligible for admission to the plan of their choice, subject to the limitations below. It is understood, however, that academic advisors will continue to recommend that a student consider an alternative if they feel the student is inadequately prepared for the chosen plan.

  1. CS major plans include: all plans leading to the BCS degree; the Computer Science plan, Computer Science/Business Option, and the Computer Science/Digital Hardware Option leading to the BMath degree; the Honours Bioinformatics and Honours Biology and Bioinformatics plans leading to the BSc degree; and all Joint or Double Honours BMath plans involving Computer Science as one of the explicitly designated major areas of study. The Honours Software Engineering plan is also considered a Computer Science major plan for the purpose of student access to Computer Science courses, but admission and continuation are handled separately.

    It is expected that admission to Computer Science major plans will normally occur when a student first applies to the Faculty of Mathematics.

    For a detailed description of transferring into Computer Science, please see the Computer Science admission requirements section.

  2. Actuarial Science (all plans), Business Administration and Computer Science Double Degree, Business Administration and Mathematics Double Degree, Financial Analysis and Risk Management, Health Informatics Option, Information Technology Management, Mathematics/Business Administration, Mathematics/Chartered Accountancy, Mathematics/Teaching Option, Pure Mathematics/Teaching Option and Statistics for Health are restricted-enrolment plans.

  3. With the exceptions of Applied Mathematics/Engineering Electives, all Computer Science major plans, Computational Mathematics, Financial Analysis and Risk Management, Information Technology Management, Mathematics/Business Administration, Mathematics/Chartered Accountancy, and the Business Administration and Mathematics Double Degree plans, students are not admitted to specific honours plans prior to Year Two.

  4. Enrolment in Software Engineering (BSE) degree studies is restricted and students must normally be admitted to this program in Year One.
  5. Actuarial Science is a restricted-enrolment plan. Admission to Actuarial Science requires a major average of at least 70%. A student with no major average will be admitted with a cumulative average of at least 70% on at least ten non-excluded courses, provided they have no more than one failed or excluded course.

In the 3A term and beyond, admission to specific honours plans is at the discretion of the major Department(s) or Dean's Office as appropriate.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567
 Campaign Waterloo