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Faculty of Mathematics

Combination Honours Plans Leading to a Degree in another Faculty: Requirements

Joint Honours Academic Plans with Mathematics

The requirements listed below apply for all students admitted to the Mathematics portion of such joint honours plans for the fall 2004 term or thereafter.

(a) Course requirements for admission
To be eligible for admission to a Joint Honours "Z" with Mathematics academic plan, a student must first be accepted for admission to an honours academic plan by a relevant discipline "Z" in another faculty. To be eligible to combine that honours plan "With Mathematics" to form a joint honours plan, a student must also normally have successfully completed all of the six math courses listed immediately below and not already have exceeded the failure maximum limit allowed for a joint honours academic plan [see section (c) below]. A minimum grade of 80 is normally required for each of the MATH courses below, a minimum grade of 70 for any of the CS 12X courses, and a minimum grade of 60 for CS 230 or CS 234.

All of

MATH 106 Applied Linear Algebra 1
MATH 127 Calculus 1 for the Sciences
MATH 128 Calculus 2 for the Sciences
MATH 225 Applied Linear Algebra 2

One of

CS 116 Introduction to Computer Science 2
CS 126 Introduction to Software Development
CS 136 Elementary Algorithm Design and Data Abstraction
CS 145 Design, Abstraction, and Implementation  

One of

CS 115 Introduction to Computer Science 1
CS 123 Developing Programming Principles
CS 125 Introduction to Programming Principles (no longer offered)
CS 135 Designing Functional Programs
CS 230 Introduction to Computers and Computer Systems
CS 234 Data Types and Structures

(b) Additional course requirements
Additional course requirements for graduation (normally taken after a student has been admitted to a joint honours academic plan, since access to these courses is normally limited to students already enrolled in a Honours BCS, or BMath, or joint honours plan):

All of

MATH 135 Algebra for Honours Mathematics or MATH 145 Algebra (Advanced Level)
STAT 230 Probability or STAT 240 Probability (Advanced Level)
STAT 231 Statistics or STAT 241 Statistics (Advanced Level)

One of

MATH 237 Calculus 3 for Honours Mathematics or MATH 247 Calculus 3 (Advanced Level)
MATH 239 Introduction to Combinatorics or MATH 249 Introduction to Combinatorics (Advanced Level)

Four additional math courses that qualify for Honours BMath degree credit.  

Students wishing to select their four additional math courses from one particular discipline in the Faculty may wish to consult with the undergraduate advisor for the Department offering the courses of interest.

(c) Maximum Failure Requirement

The maximum number of failures allowed for a Joint Honours "Z" With Mathematics academic plan is 3.00 units. Included in this failure count are all failures that appear on a student's University of Waterloo official transcript, regardless of whether or not such failures are being included as part of the student's record for his/her degree by the relevant faculty for discipline "Z."

(d) Course Substitutions
(i) The Faculty of Mathematics offers honours versions of the MATH 12X and CS 12X courses listed in section (a) above for students enrolled in a Honours BMath academic plan, but access to these courses is normally limited to such students. However, should a student outside the Faculty gain access to such courses, they may be substituted in place of the courses in section (a) above. In such circumstances, a minimum grade of 60 is normally required for admission. (ii) Exceptions for students wishing to substitute other UW courses (e.g., math courses offered under Engineering Faculty course labels such as ECE or SYDE), or courses taken at another university, in place of the courses in section (a) above will be considered on an individual basis. All written requests for such exceptions should be submitted to the Mathematics Undergraduate Office and include adequate hard-copy course descriptions for the courses to be considered as replacements.

(e) Graduation Average Requirement
To graduate in a Joint Honours "Z" With Mathematics plan, a student requires a minimum average of 60 based upon all the UW math courses that a student has passed which a student enrolled in the Faculty of Mathematics could have taken for BMath degree credit. This average will include all such courses including repeated courses, regardless of whether or not such courses are being included as part of the student's record for his/her degree by the relevant faculty for discipline "Z."

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
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200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567
 Campaign Waterloo