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The Undergraduate Calendar



Global Experience Certificate

Course Requirements

Course Requirements
ANTH 102 Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 229 Peoples of Africa
ANTH 233 Inuit and Eskimo Cultures
ANTH 351 Comparative Policies on Native Minorities
EARTH 121 1. Planet Earth 2. A Home for People & EARTH 121L Introductory Earth Sciences Laboratory 1
EARTH 122 Introductory Environmental Sciences & EARTH 122L Introductory Earth Sciences Laboratory 2
EASIA 201R East Asian Culture
EASlA 205R Religion in East Asia
ECON 231 lntroduction to lnternational Economics
ECON 265 Economic Development of Early Modern Europe, 1492-1780
ECON 304 Monetary Economics
ECON 332 lnternational Finance
ECON 334/INTTS 301 Institutions of lnternational Trade and Finance
ECON 335 Economic Development
ECON 365 Economic Development of Modern Europe
ECON 436 lnternational Trade
ECON 461 Comparative Economic Systems
ENVS 220 Ecological Economics
ERS 360 Nature: Art, Myth and Folklore
ERS 404/PSCI 432 Global Environmental Governance
FlNE 110 Introduction to Art History
FlNE 210 Art, 1780-1875
GEOG 250 Urban and Economic Systems: Inter-City and Global Connections
GEOG 323/REC 383 Perspective on International Tourism
GEOG 426 Geographies of Development
GEOG 432/HLTH 420/PLAN 432 Health, Environment, and Planning
GEOG 459 Energy and Sustainability
HIST 102 War and Society in Europe, 1914-1945
HlST 104 An lntroduction to Western Intellectual History Since the Renaissance
HlST 110 A History of the Western World I
HlST 111 A History of the Western World II
HlST 130 The Modern World in Historical Perspective
HIST 200 History and Film
HlST 223 The Holocaust in History
HlST 230 History of the Modern Middle East
HlST 243 Changing Workplace and Family, Europe 1750 to the present
HlST 245 War, Ethnicity and Religion in East Central Europe, 1453-1739
HlST 263 Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
HlST 264 Western Europe Since 1945
HlST 265 Eastern Europe Since 1945
HlST 266 The British Empire 1857-1956
HlST 278 The USSR and World War II: The Great Patriotic War
HIST 311 lnternational Relations, 1890-1951
HlST 340 A Social History of Europe: 1789-1914
HlST 341 Occupied Europe, 1938-1945
HlST 389 Canada in World Affairs
INTST 101 Introduction to lnternational Studies
ISS 370R International Learning Experience
MUSIC 245 World Music
MUSIC 256 Music Since 1900
MUSlC 334 Women, Music and Gender
PACS 201 Roots of Conflict, Violence and Peace
PACS 202 Conflict Resolution
PHlL 200A Great Works of Western Philosophy: Part 1
PHlL 200B Great Works of Western Philosophy: Part 2
PHIL 224 Environmental Ethics
PSCl 252 Global South: Introduction to lnternational Development
PSCI 253 Post-Communist Politics
PSCl 255 Comparative Politics of Advanced Industrial Nations
PSCI 281 World Politics
PSCl 282 Foreign Policy
PSCl 350  Political Economy of Development
PSCl 351 Power Sharing in Divided Societies
PSCl 355 Politics in the Soviet Successor States
PSCl 381 Foreign Policies of South Asian States
PSCl 382 Politics of Canadian Foreign Policy
PSCl 387 Globalization
PSCl 434 Comparative Public Administration
PSCl 451 Comparative Political Systems: Eastern Europe
PSCl 453 Democracy and Development
PSCl 454 Advanced Topics in Third World Politics and Development 
PSCl 481 Interstate War
PSCl 483 Power Politics and World Order Studies
PSCl 484 Contemporary Strategies: Theories and Policies
PSCl 485 Selected Topics in lnternational Political Economy
PSYCH 222R Cross-Cultural Psychology
RS 100 Religions of the East
RS 202 Sikhism
RS 203 Hinduism
RS 204 Buddhism
RS 210/JS 217 Judaism
RS 216 Islam
RS 261/PHIL 237 Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion
RS 284/WS 261 Women and the Great Religions
SCI 250 Environmental Geology
SCI 270 Nuclear Science
SCI 462 Biology of Food Production
SOC 232 Technology and Social Change
SOC 256 Ethnic and Racial Relations
SOC 286 Environment and Behaviour
SOC 346 Social Movements
SOCWK 322R International Perspectives in Community Organization
SPAN 217 Latin American Civilization 1
SPAN 218 Latin American Civilization 2
SPCOM 226 lntroduction to Intercultural Communication

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567
 Campaign Waterloo