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The Undergraduate Calendar




Fee Arrangements

Fee Arrangements

Student Fees are assessed on a per-term basis. Student Fees include fees for tuition and incidentals, and fees for residence and meal plan, as applicable. The cost of textbooks, class notes, mandatory supplies, certain accommodation or other costs associated with field trips, or other miscellaneous expenses, is not included in fees charged to student accounts. 

Fees must be arranged by the term due dates to avoid Late Fees charged to student accounts. There are two ways to "arrange fees."

  1. Students may arrange fees by paying them in full by the due date.
  2. Students may submit a Promissory Note by the due date indicating the intention to use supplementary funding from approved University of Waterloo or external scholarships payable to University of Waterloo, bursaries, Tuition Benefit (for University of Waterloo employees and their children), approved third-party sponsorships or provincial student loans, to pay term fees. Promissory Notes must be accompanied by acceptable proof of the supplementary funding and payment of any balance remaining on the account after deducting the supplementary funding.

For the current Schedule of Due Dates and complete information on arranging your fees, please refer to Payment Information.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567
 Campaign Waterloo