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Knowledge Integration

Bachelor of Knowledge Integration

Honours Knowledge Integration Requirements

Year One
INTEG 10 Knowledge Integration Seminar (0.0 units)
INTEG 120 Introduction to the Academy: Disciplines & Integrative Practices
INTEG 121 Introduction to the Academy: Design & Problem-Solving
PHIL 145 Critical Thinking
SPCOM 223 Public Speaking

Students must take at least one of:
CS 100 Introduction to Computer Usage
CS 115 Introduction to Computer Science 1
CS 135 Designing Functional Programs
CS 145 Design, Abstraction, and Implementation

Students must take at least two MATH courses at the 100-level

Students must take at least one course (including lab), to count towards Investigative Science† requirement

Two electives†† (1.0 units)

Total of 5.0 units

Investigative Science
Students must successfully complete a minimum of 1.5 units (three courses) that include a hands-on investigative component such as a field study, lab, or programming. Co‑requisite labs must be taken and passed but do not count toward the 1.5 units of investigative science. For example, KIN 100 Human Anatomy: Limbs and Trunk (0.50 units), and its co‑requisite KIN 100L Human Anatomy Lab (0.25 units) count as one course (0.50 units) for the purposes of satisfying the investigative science requirement.

The investigative science requirement cannot be satisfied with any “SCI”-labelled or “SCBUS”-labelled units.

Students are not limited to first-year courses. They can satisfy the investigative science requirement with a sequence of courses, one prerequisite to the next, such as:
EARTH 121 Introductory Earth Sciences (0.50), and
EARTH 121L Introductory Earth Sciences Laboratory (0.25)
EARTH 122 Introductory Environmental Sciences (0.50), and
EARTH 122L Introductory Environmental Sciences Laboratory (0.25)
EARTH 231 Mineralogy (0.50)

Students are not limited to courses with co-requisite labs. They can satisfy the investigative science requirement with courses that include hands-on investigative components, such as:
ANTH 355 Osteology for Archaeologists
ANTH 365 Fossil Hominids
BIOL 211 Introductory Vertebrate Zoology
CS 234 Data Types and Structures
ENVS 200 Field Ecology
GEOG 165 Computer Cartography: Principles and Design
KIN 255 Introduction to Psychomotor Behaviour
PLAN 281 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

††Theme course requirements (listed below) are to be taken in to consideration when choosing elective courses.

Year Two
INTEG 10 Knowledge Integration Seminar (0.0 units)
INTEG 220 On the Nature of Knowledge A
INTEG 221 On the Nature of Knowledge B
INTEG 230 The Museum Course: Preparation (0.25 units)
INTEG 231 The Museum Course: Field Trip (0.25 units)
Eight Electives†† (4.0 units)

Total of 5.5 units

††Theme course requirements (listed below) are to be taken in to consideration when choosing elective courses.

Year Three
INTEG 10 Knowledge Integration Seminar (0.0 units)
INTEG 320 The Museum Course: Research & Design
INTEG 321 The Museum Course: Practicum & Presentation
INDEV 300 Culture & Ethics
Seven Electives†† (3.5 units)

Total of 5.0 units

††Theme course requirements (listed below) are to be taken in to consideration when choosing elective courses.

Year Four
INTEG 10 Knowledge Integration Seminar (0.0 units)
INTEG 420 Senior Research Project: Research & Planning
INTEG 421 Senior Research Project: Writing & Defence
Eight Electives†† (4.0 units)

Total of 5.0 units

††Theme course requirements (listed below) are to be taken in to consideration when choosing elective courses.

Theme Course Requirements

Students must take at least one of:
ENGL 100-level
ENGL 200-level

Students must take at least two courses in a second language [e.g. FR 151/152 Basic French, GER 101/102 Elementary German, SPAN 101/102 Introduction to Spanish, or a suitable substitute by departmental consent].

Probability and Statistics
Students must take at least one of the following, or a suitable substitute by departmental consent.
STAT 202 Introductory Statistics for Scientists
STAT 220 Probability (Non-Specialist Level)

Research design/methods
Students must take at least one of the following, or a suitable substitute by departmental consent.
ENVS 178 Introduction to Environmental Research Methods
ENVS 278 Advanced Environmental Research Methods

Notes for the Bachelor of Knowledge Integration Academic Plan

  1.  Minimum Required Units
    Total:  20.5 units not including Investigative Science Labs. See Investigative Science note below Year 1 courses for more information.
  2. Course Load
    No more than 2.5 units may be taken in a term without departmental approval.
  3. Average Requirements
    Students in the Knowledge Integration Honours Regular Academic Plan must maintain an overall cumulative average (all courses) of at least 65% and a major cumulative average of at least 75%. The major cumulative average includes all INTEG-labelled and core (required) courses. All required courses must be passed. 
  4. Materials and Costs
    For some courses, extra fees may be required to cover field expenses/travel costs. Statements on extra costs, where required, will be found with the course descriptions.
  5. Restriction on number of First-Year Courses
    A student must have at least 13.5 units at the 200-level or above.
  6. Double Counting
    A course can be used to satisfy requirements for a maximum of two credentials. Double counting of courses applies as follows: once for the plan and once for a joint honours or concurrent degree, option, minor, diploma, or specialization. There is no limit on the number of courses that may be double counted. 

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567
 Campaign Waterloo