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The Undergraduate Calendar



International Development

Bachelor of Environmental Studies

Honours International Development

Year One

INDEV 100 Introduction to International Development
INDEV 200 Political Economy of Development
ENVS 195 Introduction to Environmental Studies
ENVS 178 Introduction to Environmental Research Methods
GEOG 101 Geography and Human Habitat
PLAN 100 Evolution of Planning
ECON 101 Introduction to Microeconomics
ECON 102 Introduction to Macroeconomics
Two electives

Total 5.0 Units

Year Two

INDEV 202 Accounting for Development Organizations
INDEV 212 Problem-solving for Development
ENVS 200 Field Ecology
ENVS 278 Advanced Environmental Research Methods
ERS 241 Introduction to Environmental Assessment
GEOG 203 Environment and Development in a Global Perspective
STV 202 Design and Society
Three electives

Total 5.0 units

Year Three

INDEV 300 Culture and Ethics
INDEV 302 Development Agents
INDEV 304 Language Conversation for Development Field Work
PLAN 233 People and Plans
PLAN 362 Regional Planning and Economic Development
or GEOG 426 Geographies of Development
MSCI 211 Organizational Behaviour
PSCI 387 Globalization
Three electives

Total 5.0 units

Year Four

INDEV 306 Inter-cultural Communication
INDEV 308 Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship
INDEV 400 Advanced Language Conversation for Development Field Work
INDEV 401 International Development Placement 1
INDEV 402 International Development Placement 2
INDEV 403 Marketing & Communication for Development Agents
INDEV 404 International Development Senior Project
ERS 339 Biophysical & Socioeconomic Impact Assessment
Two electives

Total 5.0 Units

Recommended Electives:

GEOG 102 Geography and Our Planetary Environment
GEOG 206 Human Dimensions of Natural Hazards
GEOG 208 Human Dimensions of Global Climate Change
GEOG 426 Geographies of Development
GEOG 429 Global Food Systems
PHIL 328 Human Rights

Notes for the International Development Academic Plan

  1. Minimum Required Units
    Total: 20 units.
  2. Course Load
    No more than 2.5 units may be taken in a term without departmental approval.
  3. Average Requirements
    Students in the International Development Honours Regular Academic Plan must maintain an overall cumulative average of at least 65% and a major cumulative average (all required courses) of at least 70%. All required courses must be passed. 
  4. Materials and Costs
    For INDEV 401 and 402, extra fees will be required to cover travel and subsistence costs related to international placement work. Statements on extra costs, where required, will be found in the course syllabus.
  5. Restriction on number of First-Year Courses
    A student must have at least 13.5 units above the 100-level.
  6. Double Counting
    A course can be used to satisfy requirements for a maximum of two credentials. Double counting of courses applies as follows: once for the plan and once for a joint honours or concurrent degree, option, minor, diploma, or specialization. There is no limit on the number of courses that may be double counted.
  7. Transfer Students
    Transfer applicants with post-secondary background may be considered for admission to the BES International Development program.  Transfer applicants will not be granted transfer credits for any INDEV-labelled courses.  Applicants should be aware that transfer credit may not be granted for courses completed in other UW programs or at other universities/colleges. Transfer students will only be admitted for Fall term. 


Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567
 Campaign Waterloo