The following PACS-related courses are offered by the participating departments and the Peace and Conflict Studies academic plans under their own designations. Many of the 300- and 400-level courses have specific prerequisites. Students planning to pursue study in these upper-level courses should use their electives wisely to ensure that the prerequisites for these courses are met. Additions or deletions may occur from time to time.
Where students find the list inadequate for their needs, students may petition the Peace and Conflict Studies Administration to have specific courses accepted as Peace and Conflict Studies Content Courses. This should happen before registration in the course in question is finalized. Please consult the Director for more details.
Environment and Resource Studies
ERS 101 Issue Analysis and Problem Solving for Environmental Studies 2
ERS/GEOG 203 Environment and Development in a Global Perspective
ERS 241 Introduction to Environmental Assessment
ERS 253 The Politics of Sustainable Communities
ERS 294/RS 285 The Sacred Earth: Religion and Ecology 1
ERS 319 Approaches to Environmental Decision-Making
ERS 404/PSCI 432 Global Environmental Governance
ERS 409 Activism! Community Action for Environmental and Social Change
ERS 489/GEOG 429/PSCI 489 Global Food Systems
Environmental Studies
ENVS 201 Introduction to Environmental and Planning Law
ENVS 401 Environmental Law
GEOG 202 Location of Economic Activity
GEOG/ERS 203 Environment and Development in a Global Perspective
GEOG 208 Human Dimensions of Global Climate Change
GEOG 212 Japan and the Pacific Rim
GEOG 215 China: Diverse and Dynamic
GEOG 426 Geographies of Development
GEOG 429/ERS 489/PSCI 489 Global Food Systems
HIST 102 War and Society in Europe, 1914-1945
HIST 106 Canada and War in the Twentieth Century
HIST 120 The United States at War, 1861-1945
HIST 130 The Modern World in Historical Perspective
HIST/CLAS 210 History of Ancient Law
HIST 215 Canadian Women in Historical Perspective
HIST 220 The Vietnam War and American Society
HIST 221 Race Relations in Canada: An Historical Perspective
HIST 223The Holocaust in History
HIST 232/PACS 203 A History of Peace Movements
HIST 236 Law and Society in the Middle Ages: 500-1000
HIST 239 History of Modern China, 1911 to the Present
HIST 254 Canadian History: The National Period
HIST 262 Early Modern Europe 1450-1700
HIST 263 Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
HIST 264 Western Europe Since 1945
HIST 265 Eastern Europe Since 1945
HIST 309/ENGL 309G/SPCOM 434 The Discourse of Dissent
HIST 314 The American Civil Rights Movement
HIST 348/RS 344 The Radical Reformation
HIST 358 Nazi Germany
Peace and Conflict Studies
PACS 398 Directed Readings in Peace and Conflict Studies
PACS 399 Directed Readings in Peace and Conflict Studies
PHIL 216 Rational Behaviour and Decision-Making
PHIL 243 Creative Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making
PHIL 327 Philosophy of Law
PHIL 328 Human Rights
PHIL 329/PACS 316 Violence, Non-violence and War
PHIL 422 Political Philosophy 1
PHIL 423 Political Philosophy 2
Political Science
PSCI 110 Introduction to Politics in the Contemporary World
PSCI 225 Classics in Political Thought 1
PSCI 226 Classics in Political Thought 2
PSCI 250 The Comparative Politics of State and Nation
PSCI 252 Global South: Introduction to International Development
PSCI 257 Introduction to Middle East Politics
PSCI 281 World Politics
PSCI 282 Foreign Policy
PSCI 321 Marxist Theory
PSCI 350 Political Economy of Development
PSCI 351 Power Sharing in Divided Societies
PSCI 357 International Organizations
PSCI 364 The Politics of Ethnicity in Canada
PSCI 381 Foreign Policies of South Asian States
PSCI 382 Politics of Canadian Foreign Policy
PSCI 387 Globalization
PSCI 389 Global Governance
PSCI 429 Genetics and Justice
PSCI 432/ERS 404 Global Environmental Governance
PSCI 453 Democracy and Development
PSCI 456 Ethnic Conflict and Conflict Resolution
PSCI 457 Ethnic Conflict and Conflict Resolution II
PSCI 459 Organized Crime and Politics
PSCI 481 Interstate War
PSCI 483 Power Politics and World Order Studies
PSCI 484 Contemporary Strategies: Theories and Policies
PSCI 489/ERS 489/GEOG 429 Global Food Systems
PSYCH 220R/253 Social Psychology
PSYCH 221R/354 Interpersonal Relations
PSYCH 222R Cross-Cultural Psychology
PSYCH 232 Psychology of Evil
PSYCH 235 Psychological Perspectives on Gender and Sex
PSYCH 338 Organizational Psychology
PSYCH 352 Culture and Psychology
PSYCH 353 Social Cognition
Religious Studies
RS 121 Evil
RS 220 World Religions and Politics
RS 252 Religious Responses to Political Oppression
RS 253 Women and the Church
RS 256/PACS 320 Christian Approaches to Peacemaking
RS 280/SOC 262Cults and New Religious Movements
RS 281/SOC 258 Millennialism and Violence
RS 285/ERS 294 The Sacred Earth: Religion and Ecology
RS 322 Interreligious Encounter and Dialogue
RS 323 Religious Ethics and Global Politics
RS 337 The Bible and Peace
RS 344/HIST 348 Radical Reformation
RS 353 War and Peace in Christian Theology
RS 355 Christian Feminist Thought
RS 380/PACS 326 Religion and Peace-Building
RS 383 Justice, Peace and Development
Social Development Studies
SOCWK 301R Understanding Diversity in Canada
SOCWK 322R International Perspectives in Community Organization
SOCWK 355R Child Maltreatment: Identification and Prevention
SOCWK 357R Family Violence
SOCWK 390A/B Family Violence: An Advanced Seminar
SOC 102 Social Problems
SOC 201 Victims and Society
SOC 206 Gender Relations
SOC 222 Juvenile Delinquency
SOC 224R Poverty in Canada and its Social Consequences
SOC 226 Juvenile Justice
SOC 227 Criminology
SOC 228 Sociology of Corrections
SOC 229 Selected Topics in Criminology
SOC 241 Introduction to the Sociology of Work
SOC 256 Ethnic and Racial Relations
SOC 258/RS 281 Millennialism and Violence
SOC 262/RS 280 Cults and New Religious Movements
SOC 265 Political Sociology
SOC 325 Sexuality and the Law
SOC 327 Policing in a Democratic Society
SOC 370 Sociology of Law
SOC 372 Good and Evil in Social Relations
SOC 378 Sociology of Women
SOC 428 Sentencing as a Social Process
Other PACS-Related Courses
The courses below, offered by non-participating departments, may be counted as content courses.
ARTS/FINE 260 Women and Film
CLAS/HIST 210 History of Ancient Law
ENGL 216 Canadian Multicultural Literature
GER 383 Culture in the Third Reich: Racism, Resistance, Legacy
SMF 205 The Dark Side of Sexuality
SMF 307 Conflict, Crisis, and Dissolution in Close Relationships
SPCOM 432 Conflict Management
SYDE 533 Conflict Analysis