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Arts Academic Plans

East Asian Studies

East Asian Studies Option

The East Asian Studies Option is open to students in Three-Year General (Major or Liberal Studies) and Four-Year General Liberal Studies academic plans in Arts.


The East Asian Studies Option requires successful completion of five academic course units (ten courses) with a minimum cumulative average of 65%. Course selection should be made only after consultation with the Director of East Asian Studies.

  1. Five required courses:
    • EASIA 201R
    • four East Asian language courses as follows:
      • two 100-level and two 200-level courses from any one of CHINA, JAPAN or KOREA, or
      • two 100-level courses from any two of CHINA, JAPAN or KOREA
  2. Five courses from the following:
    • two courses from the following social sciences courses: EASIA 300R, 301R; GEOG 212, 215; SOC 250; PSCI 358, 359
    • two courses from the following humanities courses: EASIA 205R/RS 201 or RS 100; EASIA 206R/RS 206 or RS 304; EASIA 207R/RS 207; EASIA 220R/HIST 231R; EASIA 330R/RS 301 or RS 204 or RS 205; HIST 239; RS 303, 320 
    • one course from the balance of optional courses above or the following courses: EASIA 210R, 250R375R; FINE 354; any relevant course approved by the Director of East Asian Studies and acceptable as credit at the University of Waterloo (e.g., WLU History 228 Survey of Modern Asian History, WLU History 307 Modern Japan; etc.)

Further Information

East Asian website:

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567
 Campaign Waterloo