Plan Advisor Professor J.J. Sloan (Chemistry/Earth Sciences) Students
wishing to follow this Academic Plan in the Co-operative system of
study should first speak to Ms D. McKelvie of the Department of
Co-operative Education and Career Services.
Continuance in this
Academic Plan requires an overall average of 60% and an average of 60%
in all Science courses. In order to graduate, the following
requirements must be met:
1. Successful completion of 20.0 lecture units plus any co-requisite lab units.
Of the 3.5 elective units, at least 3.5 units (other than any
"SCI"-labelled courses) must be Faculty of Science courses at the 200-,
300- or 400-level.
Year One (Fall)
CHEM 120/120L Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter/Laboratory
EARTH 121/121L The Planet We Live On/Laboratory
EARTH 123/123L Introductory Hydrology
MATH 127 Calculus 1 for the Sciences
PHYS 121/121L Mechanics and Waves 1/Laboratory
Year One (Winter)
CHEM 123/123L Chemical Reactions, Equilibria and Kinetics/Laboratory
EARTH 122/122L The Planet We Live Off/Laboratory
MATH 128 Calculus 2 for the Sciences
PHYS 122/122L Mechanics and Waves 2/Laboratory
PHYS 139 Scientific Computer Programming
Year Two (Fall)
CHEM 220/220L Analytical Chemistry 1/Laboratory
CHEM 209 Introductory Spectroscopy and Structure
CHEM 240 Mathematical Methods in Chemistry
EARTH 231 Mineralogy
Arts Core (0.5 unit)
Year Two (Winter)
CHEM 254 Introductory Chemical Thermodynamics
CHEM 28/28LOrganic Chemistry for Engineering and Bioinformatics Students/Laboratory
CHEM 224L Analytical Chemistry Laboratory 2
EARTH 221 Geochemistry 1
EARTH 232 Petrography
EARTH 281 Geology and Health
Years Three and Four
MATH 228 Differential Equations for Physics and Chemistry or
AMATH 250 Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations
EARTH 205 Urban Air Pollution (F)
CHEM 305 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (F)
CHEM 305L Atmospheric Modelling Laboratory (F)
CHEM 221 Analytical Chemistry 2 (W)
CHEM 350 Chemical Kinetics (W)
CHEM 404 Physiochemical Aspects of Natural Water (F)
EARTH 358 Environmental Geology (W)
EARTH 359 Flow Through Porous Media (F)
EARTH 361 Introduction to Atmospheric Science (W)
EARTH 456 Groundwater Modelling (F)
EARTH 458 Physical Hydrogeology (F)
EARTH 436 A/B Honours Thesis (F,W) or CHEM 494A/B Research Project (F,W)
EARTH 390 Methods in Geological Mapping (W)
Seven Electives (3.5 units)