Advisor: Dr. D. Barton (Biology)
Admission to these Academic Plans will be made at the Year-Two level.
Continuation in either Academic Plan requires a cumulative overall average of 60% with a cumulative average of 70% in the Faculty of Environmental Studies courses, and a cumulative average of 60% in Biology courses.
In order to graduate in either Academic Plan, the following requirements must be met:
- Successful completion of 21.0 units.
- Of the 21.0 units required, 7.0 units must be approved by the Biology Department, and 6.5 units must be in the appropriate department of the Faculty of Environmental Studies, or equivalent.
- STAT 202 and CS 125 or CS 133 or CS 200.
- CHEM 120/120L, 123/123L, 237/237L, and 266/266L.
- No more than 3.0 "SCI"-labelled units may be applied to the Academic Plan.
- In exceptional cases for truly outstanding students, this Academic Plan may be taken as a Co-operative Specialization; however, it is the intention of the Biology Department that no more than five students be enrolled in any given year.
Since proper course selection in either Academic Plan is critical, contact Professor D. Barton, Biology, for further details.