Advisors: Drs. B. Butler and B. Greenberg (Biology), Drs. E. Daub and S. Forsey (Chemistry)
This Academic Plan allows specialization in either biochemistry with a chemical emphasis, or biochemistry with a physiological, molecular biological or microbiological emphasis. The Academic Plan is also available in the Co-operative system of study.
Professional Standing: The Academic Plan in Biochemistry fulfills the academic requirements for professional membership in the Chemical Institute of Canada.
Continuation in Honours Biochemistry requires a cumulative overall average of 60% and cumulative averages of 60% in Chemistry courses and 60% in Biology courses.
In order to graduate in the Honours Biochemistry Academic Plan, the following requirements must be met:
- Successful completion of 23.0 units (including all required labs in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics).
- Mandatory courses as listed below.
- 7.0 units from recommended Years Three and Four electives.
- No more than 3.0 "SCI"-labelled units may be applied to the Academic Plan.
Students intending to take the Biochemistry (Biotechnology Specialization) must take BIOL 241 in their 2B term.
Year One
BIOL 130/130L Introductory Cell Biology/Cell Biology Laboratory
BIOL 139 Genetics
BIOL 140/140L Fundamentals of Microbiology/Microbiology Laboratory
CHEM 120/120L Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter/Chemical Reaction Laboratory 1
CHEM 123/123L Chemical Reactions, Equilibria and Kinetics/Chemical Reaction Laboratory 2
PHYS 121/121L Mechanics and Waves 1/Mechanics and Waves 1 Lab
or PHYS 111/111L Physics 1/Laboratory
PHYS 112/112L Physics 2/Laboratory
MATH 127 Calculus 1 for the Sciences
MATH 128 Calculus 2 for the Sciences
Electives (0.5 units)
Year Two
0.5 unit from 200-level Biology courses. Note that Biology 201 may not be used toward this requirement.
BIOL 208 Analytical Methods in Molecular Biology
CHEM 209 Introductory Spectroscopy and Structure
CHEM 212 Structure and Bonding
CHEM 220/220L Introductory Analytical Chemistry/Laboratory
CHEM 224L Analytical Chemistry Laboratory 2
CHEM 233 Fundamentals of Biochemistry
CHEM 254 Introductory Chemical Thermodynamics
CHEM 264 Organic Chemistry 1
CHEM 265/265L Organic Chemistry 2/Laboratory
Electives* (0.5 units) from Groups below
Year Three
BIOL 331 Advanced Cell Biology
CHEM 331 Fundamentals of Metabolism 1
CHEM 335L Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory
CHEM 357 Physical Biochemistry
CHEM 360/360L Synthetic Organic Chemistry/Laboratory
STAT 202 Introductory Statistics for Scientists or MATH 228 Differential Equations for Physics and Chemistry
Electives* (1.5 units) from Groups below
Free Elective (0.5 unit)
Year Four
Ten electives* (5.0 units) from Groups below
*Years Three and Four electives (7.0 units from Groups A, B, and C, with at least 5.5 units from Groups A and B, of which not less than 4.0 units are from Group A.) At least 1.5 units must be BIOL and 1.5 units CHEM, of which 0.5 unit of CHEM must be from Group B.
Group A
BIOL 308, 342, 366, 382, 428, 431,432, 433, 434, 435L, 438, 439, 441,483,499A/B
CHEM 369, 432, 433, 434, 494A/B
Group B
BIOL 302, 303, 323, 345, 354, 359, 370, 371, 373, 374L, 403, 427, 442, 443, 444, 447, 448, 455, 473, 474
CHEM 213, 221, 310, 323, 404, 411, 413, 425, 464, 465
PHYS 480
Group C
Free electives (not more than 1.5 units)