Associate Professor, Department Chair
D.A. Seljak, BA, MA (Toronto), PhD (McGill), J
Assistant Professor and Undergraduate Officer
M.L. Fenn, BA (Winnipeg), MA (Calgary), PhD (McMaster), P
Assistant Professor and Graduate Officer
D.E. Cowan, BA (Victoria), MDiv (St. Andrew's Theological College), PhD (Calgary), R
M.D. Bryant, BA (Concordia College), STB (Harvard), MA, PhD (St. Michael's), R
L. Dawson,2 BA (Queen's), MA, PhD (McMaster)
J. Gollnick, BA (Marquette), MA, PhD (Toronto), P
A.J. Reimer, BChEd (Canadian Mennonite Bible College), BA (Manitoba), MA (Toronto), PhD (St. Michael's), G
M. Tataryn, BA (Toronto), MDiv, ThD (St. Michael's College), J
Associate Professors
J.A. Diamond,1 BA, MA, PhD (Toronto)
J. Pankratz, BA, MA, PhD (McMaster), G
C. Vanin, BA (Waterloo), MDiv (Toronto), PhD (Boston College/Andover Newton), J
T. Yoder Neufeld, BA (Manitoba), MDiv, ThD (Harvard), G, Recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award
Assistant Professors
P. Frick, BA (Waterloo), PhD (McMaster), P
D.R. Jakobsh, BA (Waterloo), MA (Harvard), PhD (British Columbia)
S. Kline, BA (Southeastern College), MA (Kansas), PhD (McGill), J
D. Suderman, BTh (Canadian Mennonite Bible College), BA (Waterloo), BEd ( Brock), MTS (Conrad Grebel University College), PhD, ABD (University of St. Michael’s College), G
Adjunct Professors
W. Klassen, BA, BD (Goshen), PhD (Princeton), P
D.J. Sahas, BA (Athens), STM (Christian Theological Seminary), PhD (Hartford Seminary Foundation), (Professor Emeritus)
Adjunct Assistant Professors
G.G. Brown, BSc (Toronto), MDiv (Yale), DPhil (Oxford), P
Faculty members of Religious Studies holding cross appointments to:
1 Philosophy
Faculty members holding cross appointments to Religious Studies from:
2 Sociology
"G" refers to faculty members at Conrad Grebel University College
"J" refers to faculty members at St. Jerome's University
"P" refers to faculty members at St. Paul's College
"R" refers to faculty members at Renison College