Professor, Department Chair
F. Paré, BA (Montreal), PhD (SUNY, Buffalo)
Associate Professor, Undergraduate Officer
A.M. Miraglia, BA, MA, PhD (Toronto)
Associate Professor, Graduate Officer
T. Collington, BA, MA (McMaster), PhD (Toronto)
Distinguished Professor Emerita
H.S. Fournier, BA (Toronto), MA, PhD (Western Ontario), (retired)
G. Niccoli, BA, MA, PhD (British Columbia), J, Recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award
D.W. Russell, BA, MA, PhD (Toronto)
P.G. Socken, BA (Toronto), MA (Iowa), PhD (Toronto)
Associate Professors
C. McWebb, BA, MA, PhD (Western Ontario)
G. Poirier, BA (Laval), MA, PhD (McGill)
Adjunct Associate Professors
C. Black, BA (Grenoble), MA (Waterloo), PhD (Laval), Recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award
R.W. Ryan, BA, MA (Dalhousie), Doctorat de 3e cycle (Provence), Recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award
A. Thomas, BA (York), MA, PhD (Toronto)
Language Instructors
L. Chaput, Maîtrise en linguistique française (Québec), BA (Québec), BA (Ottawa)
E. Ducatel, BA (Calgary), MA (Waterloo)
K. Lappin-Fortin, BA (York-Glendon), MA (Toronto), PhD (Montreal)
H. McLenaghan, Licence en Phil. Rom. (Brussels), MA (Waterloo), PhD (Western Ontario)
T. Sabaryn, Licence ès lettres (Toulouse), Recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award
C. Tremblay, BA, MA (Laval)