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Arts Departmental Academic Plans

Medieval Studies

Medieval Studies - Overview

Students interested in a multidisciplinary approach to university education and to an examination of the Middle Ages may take either a General or an Honours B.A. in Medieval Studies. Such a degree is designed to provide a general awareness of our cultural heritage. In addition, the academic plan is flexible enough to prepare students for a variety of careers, or for the pursuance of a graduate degree.

The Medieval Studies academic plan is administered jointly by the Department of Classical Studies and by the Philosophy Department at St. Jerome's University. Interested students may browse the Medieval Studies Homepage.

Three-Year General Medieval Studies

Continuation in this academic plan requires a cumulative average of 60% and a cumulative Medieval Studies average of 65%.

Eligibility for graduation in the Three-Year General Medieval Studies academic plan includes fulfilment of the following requirements:

  1. Appropriate BA Program-level requirements. See "BA Degree Requirements."
  2. Medieval Studies Plan-level requirements:
    • at least seven academic course units (14 courses) with a minimum cumulative average of 65% must be taken from the Approved List of Medieval Studies or related courses including:
      • two courses from each of four of the eight subject fields specified below in the list of Approved Courses
      • six courses, not all of which need be medieval in content, in one of the subject fields specified below in the list of Approved Courses
      • two courses at the 300-level or above from the Approved List of Courses

Four-Year General Medieval Studies

Continuation in this academic plan requires a cumulative average of 60% and a cumulative Medieval Studies average of 65%.

Eligibility for graduation in the Four-Year General Medieval Studies academic plan includes fulfilment of the following requirements:

  1. Appropriate BA Program-level requirements. See "BA Degree Requirements."
  2. Medieval Studies Plan-level requirements:
    • at least 7.5 academic course units (15 courses) with a minimum cumulative average of 65% must be taken from the Approved List of Medieval Studies or related courses including:
      • two courses from each of four of the eight subject fields specified below in the list of Approved Courses
      • eight courses, not all of which need be Medieval in content, in one of the subject fields specified below in the list of Approved Courses
      • two courses at the 300-level or above from the Approved List Courses

Honours Medieval Studies

Continuation in this academic plan requires a cumulative average of 60% and a cumulative Medieval Studies average of 75%.

Eligibility for graduation in the Honours Medieval Studies academic plan includes fulfilment of the following requirements:

  1. Appropriate BA Program-level requirements. See "BA Degree Requirements."
  2. Medieval Studies Plan-level requirements:
    • at least eight academic course units (16 courses) with a minimum cumulative average of 75% must be taken from the Approved List of Medieval Studies or related courses including:
      • two courses from each of five of the eight subject fields specified below in the list of Approved Courses
      • ten courses, not all of which need be Medieval in content, in one of the subject fields specified below in the list of Approved Courses
      • two courses at the 300-level or above from the Approved List of Courses
      • one course at the 400-level from one of the specified subject fields

Honours Medieval Studies (Arts and Business Co-op and Regular)

A student may combine an Honours Medieval Studies academic plan with Arts and Business. The requirements in Medieval Studies are identical to the Honours requirements listed above. See the Arts and Business requirements.

List of Approved Courses

The eight subject fields are listed below. Special Topics, Senior Seminars, Directed Studies, courses taken in the International Exchange program, and generally any course with Medieval content may be permitted at the discretion of the Medieval Studies Advisors and with special permission. Please see one of the Medieval Studies Advisors for details.

  1. Latin
    LAT 100A Introductory Latin 1
    LAT 100B Introductory Latin 2
    LAT 203 Intermediate Latin
    LAT 204 Selections from Latin Authors
    LAT 351 Latin Composition and Reading
    LAT 363 Roman Comedy
    LAT 371 Early Roman Historians
    LAT 375 Vergil
    LAT 381 Medieval Latin
    LAT 421 Latin Epigraphy
    LAT 422 Latin Palaeography
    LAT 431 Roman Philosophy
    LAT 452 Roman Letter Writing
    LAT 463 Later Roman Historians
  2. English
    ENGL 200A Survey of British Literature 1
    ENGL 208H Arthurian Legend
    ENGL 305A Old English 1
    ENGL 305B Old English 2
    ENGL 310A Chaucer 1
    ENGL 310B Chaucer 2
    ENGL 310C Non-Chaucerian Middle English Literature
    ENGL 361 English Drama to 1642
  3. Fine Arts and Music
    Fine Arts
    FINE 110 Introduction to Art History
    FINE 212 Renaissance Art 1300-1500
    FINE 214 Medieval Art and Architecture
    FINE 311/CLAS 352 Roman Art and Architecture
    MUSIC 100 Understanding Music
    MUSIC 253 Cathedral and Court: Music to 1600
    MUSIC 363/RS 384 Christian Hymnody
  4. History
    HIST 211 British History to 1485
    HIST 235/RS 230 History of Christianity
    HIST 236 Law and Society in the Middle Ages: 500-1000
    HIST 260 Europe 814-1300
    HIST 304/RS 325 Medieval Church History
    HIST 329 Origins of the Common Law
    HIST 379 Reformation History
  5. Classical Studies
    CLAS 105 Introduction to Medieval Studies
    CLAS 202 Ancient Roman Society
    CLAS 252/HIST 252 Roman History
    CLAS 255 Medieval Society
    CLAS 275 Survey of Greek Literature
    CLAS 276 Survey of Roman Literature
    CLAS 325/RS 326 Greek and Roman Religion
    CLAS 327 Astrology and Magic
    CLAS 332 Later Roman History
    CLAS 352/FINE 311 Roman Art and Architecture
    CLAS 361/PHIL 380 History of Ancient Philosophy 1
    CLAS 362/PHIL 381 History of Ancient Philosophy 2
  6. Philosophy
    PHIL 200A Great Works of Western Philosophy: Part 1
    PHIL 380/CLAS 361 History of Ancient Philosophy 1
    PHIL 381/CLAS 362 History of Ancient Philosophy 2
    PHIL 382 Medieval Philosophy 1
    PHIL 383 Medieval Philosophy 2
    PHIL 403 Studies in Ancient Philosophy
    PHIL 404 Studies in Medieval Philosophy
    PHIL 418J Ethics and Society
    PHIL 451J The Thomistic Tradition in Philosophy
  7. Religious Studies
    RS 100B Religions of the West
    RS 100E Biblical Studies 1
    RS 100F Biblical Studies 2
    RS 105AIntroductory Biblical Hebrew 1
    RS 105B Introductory Biblical Hebrew 2
    RS 106A New Testament Greek
    RS 106B New Testament Greek
    RS 230/HIST 235 History of Christianity
    RS 232 Jewish Philosophy
    RS 262 Joan of Arc: Witch, Mystic, Martyr or Saint?
    RS 272 Sacred Places
    RS 305A Intermediate New Testament Greek 1
    RS 305B Hellenistic Greek
    RS 306A Intermediate Biblical Hebrew
    RS 306B Ancient Semitic Texts and Inscriptions
    RS 318 Islam and Christianity
    RS 325/HIST 304 Medieval Church History
    RS 326/CLAS 325 Greek & Roman Religion
    RS 361/ANTH 311 Anthropology of Religion
    RS 383 Shapers of the Roman Catholic Tradition
    RS 384/MUSIC 363 Christian Hymnody
  8. Modern European Languages
    FR 151 Basic French 1
    FR 152 Basic French 2
    FR 192A French Language 1: Module 2
    FR 192B French Language 1: Module 2
    FR 291 French Civilization 1
    FR 409 Medieval French Language
    FR 410 Medieval French Literature
    GER 101 Elementary German I
    GER 102 Elementary German II
    GER 271 German Thought and Culture
    ITAL 101 Introduction to Italian Language 1
    ITAL 102 Introduction to Italian Language 2
    ITAL 201 Intermediate Italian 1
    ITAL 202 Intermediate Italian 2
    ITAL 311 Medieval Italian Literature
    ITALST 291 Italian Culture and Civilization 1
    SPAN 101 Introduction to Spanish 1
    SPAN 102 Introduction to Spanish 2
    SPAN 445 History of the Spanish Language
    SPAN 446W Love in Medieval Spanish Literature

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University of Waterloo
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200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567