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The Undergraduate Calendar



Environment Academic Plans

Geography and Environmental Management

Joint Honours Geography and Environmental Management

Advisors: See Faculty of Environment undergraduate advising.

Continuing in Joint Honours Geography and Environmental Management requires a minimum cumulative major average of 70% (all ENVS and GEOG courses).

Joint plans offered by the Department of Geography and Environmental Management cannot be combined with other plans offered within the department. 

Successful completion requires:

  1. 9.0 units distributed as follows:
    • GEOG 100 On Becoming a Geographer
    • GEOG 101 Human Geographies: People, Space and Change
    • GEOG 102 Global Environmental Systems: Processes and Change
    • GEOG 181 Designing Effective Maps
    • ENVS 178 Environmental Applications of Data Management and Statistics
    • ENVS 278 Applied Statistics for Environmental Research
    • One of:
      • GEOG 293 Approaches to Research in Human Geography
      • GEOG 294 Approaches to Research in Physical Geography
    • One of:
    • Six of:
      • GEOG 202 Geography of the Global Economy
      • GEOG 203 Environment and Development in a Global Perspective
      • GEOG 205 Principles of Geomorphology
      • GEOG 207 Climate Change Fundamentals
      • GEOG 209 Hydroclimatology
      • GEOG 271 Earth from Space Using Remote Sensing
      • GEOG 281/PLAN 281 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
    • 2.0 units: GEOG courses
      • 0.5 unit: at 300-level
      • 1.5 units: at 400-level

Additional conditions:

  1. The Environment Academic Regulations section of this Calendar contains information, regulations, and requirements pertaining to undergraduate studies within the Faculty. It is students' responsibility to familiarize themselves with the content of this section.
  2. Courses in the home department equivalent to ENVS 178; ENVS 278; GEOG 293 or GEOG 294; GEOG 490A and GEOG 490B must be approved by the associate chair, undergraduate studies, Geography and Environmental Management to count towards plan requirements.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
Ira G. Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1