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Environment Academic Plans

Environment and Business

Honours Environment and Business

Advisors: See Faculty of Environment undergraduate advising.

Honours Environment and Business is available in both systems of study: regular and co-operative.

Continuing in Honours Environment and Business requires a minimum cumulative overall average of 65% (all courses) and a minimum cumulative major average of 70% (all core requirements and ENBUS courses).

Recommended course sequencing is available on the Environment and Business website.  

Successful completion requires:

  1. 20.0 units distributed as follows:
    • AFM 123/ARBUS 102 Accounting Information for Managers
    • AFM 131/ARBUS 101 Introduction to Business in North America
    • ECON 101 Introduction to Microeconomics
    • ECON 102 Introduction to Macroeconomics
    • ECON 371 Business Finance 1
    • ENBUS 102 Introduction to Environment and Business
    • ENBUS 112 Operationalizing Sustainable Development within Business
    • ENBUS 202 Environmental Management Systems
    • ENBUS 203 Green Entrepreneurship
    • ENBUS 204 Principles of Industrial Ecology
    • ENBUS 302 Strategies for Environment and Business
    • ENBUS 306 Research Design
    • One of:
    • Two of:
    • One of:
    • One of the following two options:
      • Option one: Two courses of:
        • ENBUS 405 Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment
        • ENBUS 406 Industrial Ecology: Sustainable Materials
        • ENBUS 407 Corporate Sustainability Accounting and Reporting
        • ENBUS 408 Best Practices in Regulations
        • ENBUS 410 Engaging Stakeholders
        • ENBUS 411 Corporate Social Responsibility in Practice
        • ENBUS 475 Special Topics in Environment and Business
        • ENVS 401 Canadian Law, Indigenous Peoples, and Natural Resource Development
      • Option two:
        • GEOG 459 Energy and Sustainability (1.0 unit)
    • ENVS 105 Environmental Sustainability and Ethics
    • ENVS 131 Communications for Environmental Professions
    • ENVS 178 Environmental Applications of Data Management and Statistics
    • ENVS 195 Introduction to Environmental Studies
    • ENVS 200 Field Ecology
    • ENVS 201 Introduction to Canadian Environmental Law
    • ENVS 220 Ecological Economics
    • ENVS 278 Applied Statistics for Environmental Research
    • ERS 215 Environmental and Sustainability Assessment 1
    • INDEV 100 Introduction to International Development
    • 5.0 units: Elective
  2. Co-operative program requirements (where applicable).

Additional conditions:

  1. If a minimum grade of 65% is achieved in ENVS 131, the Undergraduate Communication Requirement (UCR) milestone will be granted. If the minimum grade is not met, review the Overview of Academic Plan Requirements page and contact the Environment and Business academic advisor.
  2. The Environment Academic Regulations section of this Calendar contains information, regulations, and requirements pertaining to undergraduate studies within the Faculty. It is students' responsibility to familiarize themselves with the content of this section.
  3. Environment and Business students are required to have at least 13.5 units at or above 200-level to meet Bachelor of Environmental Studies (BES) degree requirements.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
Ira G. Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1