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Bachelor of Applied Science and Bachelor of Software Engineering Specific Degree Requirements

Faculty Options

Artificial Intelligence (Engineering) Option

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Option is available for students in all undergraduate Engineering plans at the University of Waterloo. The requirements for completion of the AI Option are:

List 1: One of

  • MSCI 442 Impact of Information Systems on Organizations and Society
  • STV 205 Cybernetics and Society
  • STV 208 Artificial Intelligence and Society: Impact, Ethics, and Equity
  • STV 210/HIST 212 The Computing Society

List 2: Two of

  • CS 480 Introduction to Machine Learning
  • CS 485 Statistical and Computational Foundations of Machine Learning
  • CS 486 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
  • ECE 457A Co-operative and Adaptive Algorithms
  • ECE 457B Fundamentals of Computational Intelligence
  • ECE 457C Reinforcement Learning
  • MSCI 435 Advanced Optimization Techniques
  • MSCI 446 Introduction to Machine Learning
  • SYDE 522 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence

List 3: Three additional courses, which may be from either List 2 or List 3


  • The selected courses for the Option should include at least one course from Mathematics and at least one course from Engineering. Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the option co-ordinator if it is logistically infeasible to be satisfied.
  • Five of the courses must be considered elective (that is, not core requirements) in the student's academic plan. For the purposes of this Option, a course that a student could choose to graduate without will be considered elective.
  • Special topics courses, independent project courses, and the capstone project courses may sometimes be appropriate for this Option, with approval of the AI option co-ordinator and the course instructor.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
Ira G. Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1