Arts Academic Plans
Social Development Studies |
Specializations in Social Development Studies |
The following specializations are open to all students majoring in Social Development Studies.
Diversity and Equity Specialization
The Diversity and Equity Specialization requires successful completion of six courses:
- at least four of:
- SDS 242R/RS 242R, SDS 310R, SDS 311R/LS 373, SDS 331R, SDS 345R, SDS 354R, SDS 367R, SDS 370R, SDS 405R, SDS 410R, SDS 411R, SDS 415R, SDS 421R, SDS 425R, SDS 449R, SDS 450R, SDS 490R, SDS 495R, SDS 496R, SDS 499A, SDS 499B
- SOCWK 301R, SOCWK 356R
- PSYCH 349R
- remaining courses from the courses above or the following courses:
- ANTH 202
- CI 200/GER 200, CI 250
- COMMST 226
- EASIA 346R/ENGL 346R
- ENGL 108E/GSJ 108, ENGL 208L/GSJ 208L, ENGL 308/GSJ 307
- FR 373
- GSJ 101, GSJ 201, GSJ 302
- HIST 221, HIST 269, HIST 271, HIST 321/LS 331
- INDG 201/CDNST 201, INDG 301
- LS 201/GSJ 206, LS 226/SOC 249
- PACS 327
- PHIL 204J, PHIL 227/INDEV 300, PHIL 302
- PSCI 324, PSCI 421/LS 464
- PSYCH 355
- RS 229, RS 259
- SI 221R/RS 221, SI 315R/GSJ 315
- SMF 208
- SOC 256
Education Specialization
The Education Specialization requires successful completion of six courses:
- at least five of:
- SDS 205R/HIST 225, SDS 210R/LS 273, SDS 215R, SDS 220R, SDS 415R, SDS 425R, SDS 435R, SDS 445R, SDS 450R, SDS 490R, SDS 495R, SDS 496R, SDS 499A, SDS 499B
- PSYCH 212R/PSYCH 212, PSYCH 213R, PSYCH 312R/PSYCH 312
- SOC 204R, SOC 207R/SOC 207
- remaining course from the courses above or the following courses:
Individual Well-Being and Development Specialization
The Individual Well-Being and Development Specialization requires successful completion of six courses:
- at least four of:
- PSYCH 226R, PSYCH 354R/PSYCH 354, PSYCH 356R/PSYCH 356, PSYCH 444R, PSYCH 448R, PSYCH 450R
- SDS 345R, SDS 350R, SDS 355R, SDS 367R, SDS 440R, SDS 490R, SDS 495R, SDS 496R, SDS 499A, SDS 499B
- SOCWK 220R, SOCWK 321R
- remaining courses from the courses above or the following courses:
Social Policy and Social Action Specialization
The Social Policy and Social Action Specialization requires successful completion of six courses:
- at least four of:
- SDS 210R/LS 273, SDS 231R, SDS 260R, SDS 288R, SDS 311R/LS 373, SDS 312R, SDS 322R, SDS 323R/SOCWK 322R, SDS 326R/SOCWK 326R, SDS 330R, SDS 331R, SDS 388R, SDS 400R, SDS 411R, SDS 431R, SDS 441R, SDS 445R, SDS 450R, SDS 451R, SDS 490R, SDS 495R, SDS 496R, SDS 499A, SDS 499B
- SOCWK 222R, SOCWK 300R, SOCWK 450R
- SOC 224R, SOC 450R
- remaining courses from the courses above or the following courses:
Notes for all Specializations Listed Above
- Topics studied in the senior seminar, apprenticeship courses, special studies, and senior essay/thesis must be related to the specialization and be approved by the department chair.
- Other courses may be considered as approved upon written request to, and written confirmation from, the chair of Social Development Studies.
Social Work Specialization
The Social Work Specialization requires successful completion of five courses:
- The Social Work Specialization does not include all of the prerequisite courses required for application to the Bachelor of Social Work program at Renison University College. Students should contact the School of Social Work, the Renison admissions officer, or an academic advisor for guidance on the remaining required courses.
- Other courses may be considered as approved upon written request to, and written confirmation from, the chair of Social Development Studies.