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Science Academic Programs and Plans


Honours Psychology Bachelor of Science

Advisors: See Faculty of Science academic advisors.

Honours Psychology (BSc) is available in both systems of study: regular and co-operative.

Continuing in Honours Psychology (BSc) (regular and co-op) requires a minimum cumulative average of 60% in Science subjects, a minimum cumulative overall average of 60%, and a minimum cumulative average of 75% in Psychology courses.

Successful completion requires:

  1. 21.0 units distributed as follows:
  2. Co-operative program requirements (when applicable).


  1. Science electives include BIOL, CHEM, EARTH, MNS, PHYS, or SCI courses.
  2. PSYCH courses are offered by the Faculty of Arts.

Honours Thesis

The Honours Thesis course (PSYCH 499A, PSYCH 499B, and PSYCH 499C) is optional but recommended for students who:

  • are considering graduate or professional programs that may require a completed honours thesis for admission, or
  • have a strong interest in, and commitment to, conducting original research.

The Honours Thesis will count for three of the four PSYCH electives required at the 300-level or above. Consult the Honours Thesis Handbook (course outline for PSYCH 499) on the Psychology Undergraduate website for further details.

Recommended Course Sequences

See regular and co-op plan.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
Ira G. Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1