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The Undergraduate Calendar



Faculty of Engineering

Bachelor of Applied Science and Bachelor of Software Engineering Specific Degree Requirements

Management Engineering

The Management Engineering Academic Curriculum

The term-by-term academic component of the curriculum is as follows:

Term 1A (Fall)

  • CHE 102 Chemistry for Engineers (3 LEC,2 TUT)
  • MSCI 100 Management Engineering Concepts (3 LEC,2 TUT,3 LAB)
  • MATH 115 Linear Algebra for Engineering (3 LEC,2 TUT)
  • MATH 116 Calculus 1 for Engineering (3 LEC,2 TUT)
  • PHYS 115 Mechanics (3 LEC,2 TUT)

Term 1B (Winter)

  • ENGL 192/SPCOM 192 Communication in the Engineering Profession (3 LEC)
  • GENE 123 Electrical Circuits and Instrumentation (3 LEC,1 TUT,1.5 LAB)
  • MSCI 100B Seminar (1 LEC)
  • MSCI 121 Introduction to Computer Programming (3 LEC,2 TUT)
  • MSCI 131 Work Design and Facilities Planning (3 LEC,1 TUT,1.5 LAB)
  • MATH 118 Calculus 2 for Engineering (3 LEC,2 TUT)
  • PHYS 125 Physics for Engineers (3 LEC,2 TUT)

Term 2A (Fall)

  • MSCI 200A Seminar (1 LEC)
  • MSCI 240 Algorithms and Data Structures (3 LEC,1 TUT)
  • MSCI 251 Probability and Statistics 1 (3 LEC,1 TUT,1.5 LAB)
  • MSCI 261 Engineering Economics: Financial Management for Engineers (3 LEC,1 TUT)
  • MSCI 271 Advanced Calculus and Numerical Methods (3 LEC,2 TUT)
  • Natural Science Elective (see Note 4)

Term 2B (Spring)

  • MSCI 200B Seminar (1 LEC)
  • MSCI 245 Databases and Software Design (3 LEC,1 TUT,1.5 LAB)
  • MSCI 253 Probability and Statistics 2 (3 LEC,1 TUT, 1.5 LAB)
  • MSCI 263 Managerial Economics (3 LEC,1 TUT)
  • MSCI 331 Introduction to Optimization (3 LEC,1 TUT)
  • Natural Science Elective (see Note 4)

Term 3A (Winter)

  • MSCI 211 Organizational Behaviour (3 LEC)
  • MSCI 300A Seminar (1 LEC)
  • MSCI 334 Operations Planning and Inventory Control (3 LEC,1 TUT,1.5 LAB)
  • MSCI 342 Principles of Software Engineering (3 LEC,3 LAB)
  • MSCI 391 Work-term Report
  • MSCI 431 Stochastic Models and Methods (3 LEC,1 TUT)
  • Elective

Term 3B (Fall)

  • MSCI 300B Seminar (1 LEC)
  • MSCI 302 Engineering Design Methods (3 LEC,1 LAB)
  • MSCI 332 Deterministic Optimization Models and Methods (3 LEC,1 TUT)
  • MSCI 333 Simulation Analysis and Design (3 LEC,1 TUT,1.5 LAB)
  • MSCI 343 Human-Computer Interaction (3 LEC,1 TUT,1.5 LAB)
  • MSCI 392 Work-term Report
  • Elective

Term 4A (Spring)

  • MSCI 400A Seminar (1 LEC)
  • MSCI 401 Management Engineering Design Project 1 (3 LEC,3 PRJ)
  • MSCI 434 Supply Chain Management (3 LEC,1 TUT,1.5 LAB)
  • MSCI 436 Decision Support Systems (3 LEC,1 TUT)
  • MSCI 491 Work-term Report
  • Two electives

Term 4B (Winter)

  • MSCI 311 Organizational Design and Technology (3 LEC)
  • MSCI 400B Seminar (1 LEC)
  • MSCI 402 Management Engineering Design Project 2 (3 LEC,3 PRJ)
  • Three electives


  1. MSCI 401 and MSCI 402 may be replaced by GENE 403 and GENE 404.
  2. Some of the elective courses have prerequisites that are not met by core courses in Management Engineering; see their course descriptions in the current Calendar before planning elective choices.
  3. Course offerings may vary from term to term; check course offerings before planning elective choices.
  4. If a student cannot find a natural science elective for this term, they may take another course towards their degree requirements with the permission of their academic advisor. Taking another course does not reduce the requirement of two natural science electives.

Rules Restricting Choice of the Nine Elective Courses

  1. Six of the nine electives must be from the list of approved technical electives. Students can count other Engineering courses towards this requirement subject to associate chair approval.
  2. One of the nine electives must be from List A of the Complementary Studies Requirements for Engineering Students, (i.e., a course on the impact of technology on society).
  3. Two of the nine electives must be from the list of approved natural science electives. Students can count other natural science courses towards this requirement subject to associate chair approval.

Technical Electives with Large Engineering Science and Design Content

Note: F=fall term, W=winter term, S=spring term

Six courses from the following list: 

  • MSCI 433 Applications of Management Engineering (W)
  • MSCI 435 Advanced Optimization Techniques (W)
  • MSCI 446 Introduction to Machine Learning (W)
  • MSCI 452 Decision Making Under Uncertainty (S)
  • MSCI 531 Stochastic Processes and Decision Making (S)
  • MSCI 541 Search Engines (F)
  • MSCI 543 Analytics and User Experience (S)
  • MSCI 546 Advanced Machine Learning (W)
  • MSCI 551 Quality Management and Control (F)
  • MSCI 555 Scheduling: Theory and Practice (W)
  • MSCI 598 Special Topics in Management Engineering (F,W,S)

Complementary Studies Electives

All Engineering students are required to take complementary studies electives (CSEs) as described in Complementary Studies Requirements for Engineering Students. Most of these requirements are satisfied in the core curriculum: ENGL 192 or SPCOM 192, MSCI 211, MSCI 261, MSCI 263, MSCI 311, together with satisfactory evaluations on three work-term reports. The requirement for studies on the impact of technology on society is met by rule 2.

Natural Science Electives

Two courses from this list of natural science courses:

Professional Development Courses

Professional development (PD) courses are required as described in the BASc and BSE Specific Degree Requirements section on Work Terms. Management Engineering students are also required to take PD 11 Processes for Technical Report Writing and PD 22 Professionalism and Ethics in Engineering Practice. These courses replace two of the PD electives such that for Management Engineering students, PD 11 and PD 22 are additional core PD courses, and the number of PD electives required is reduced by two. Management Engineering students are automatically enrolled in the required core PD courses, PD 11 and PD 22, but must enrol in the elective.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
Ira G. Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1