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Science Academic Programs and Plans

Life Physics

Honours Life Physics, Medical Physics Specialization

Advisors: See Faculty of Science academic advisors.

Honours Life Physics, Medical Physics Specialization is available in both systems of study: regular and co-operative.

The Medical Physics Specialization allows students to take medical physics courses required to prepare them for a graduate-level study or work in medical physics. 

This Specialization includes the requirements for Honours Life Physics with the following additional requirements:

Continuing in Honours Life Physics, Medical Physics Specialization (regular and co-op) requires a minimum cumulative overall average of 60%, a minimum cumulative  Physics average of 60%, and a minimum cumulative Biology average of 60%.

Successful completion requires: 

  1. 21.75 units distributed as follows:
  2. Enrolment in PHYS 10 when offered.
  3. Co-operative program requirements (when applicable) that include:


  1. PHYS 111 and PHYS 111L may be substituted for PHYS 121 and PHYS 121L.
  2. PHYS 112 and PHYS 112L may be substituted for PHYS 122 and PHYS 122L.
  3. PHYS 242 and PHYS 242L may be substituted for PHYS 224.
  4. A 100- or 200-level BIOL course may be substituted for BIOL 273.

Recommended Course Sequence

See academic advisor for regular and co-operative plan sequencing.

Suggested Electives for the Medical Physics Specialization

BIOL 201 Human Anatomy
CHEM 333 Metabolism 1
PHYS 249 Computational Physics and Linear Algebra
PHYS 349 Advanced Computational Physics
PHYS 391 Electronics and PHYS 391L Electronics Laboratory
PHYS 437A Research Project
PHYS 437B Research Project (continued)
STAT 202 Introductory Statistics for Scientists

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
Ira G. Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1