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The Undergraduate Calendar



School of Architecture: Honours Bachelor of Architectural Studies

Regulations, Examinations and Promotions

Academic Decisions

The possible academic decisions and their effect on the student's progress in the program are as follows:

  1. Satisfactory Standing - student has achieved a cumulative average that falls between 70% and 74.9% and is allowed to proceed unconditionally to the next term. 
  2. Good Standing - student has achieved a cumulative average that falls between 75% and 79.9% and is allowed to proceed unconditionally to the next term.
  3. Excellent Standing - student has achieved a cumulative average of 80% or above and is allowed to proceed unconditionally to the next term. 
  4. May Not Proceed - the student may not proceed to the next academic term. In the case of a failed studio, the student must repeat and pass the studio prior to continuation in the program. In the case of other failed core courses, the student will be given an Academic Advice Hold and must make arrangements with the undergraduate officer to retake the core courses. In the case of incomplete courses, these must be completed before the standing decision will be changed. 
  5. Required to Withdraw - the student's registration in the Bachelor of Architectural Studies (BAS) program is revoked. Readmission is not possible for four academic terms following the term for which the decision applies. Students must apply to the program for readmission. 
  6. Recommended for BAS Degree - all requirements of the program have been successfully completed. 
  7. Aegrotat - added to academic decision one; proceed to next term. The student has adequate understanding of the material, but because of illness or other extenuating circumstances, normal evaluation for at least one course was not possible.
  8. Proceed on Probation - a decision used in exceptional circumstances that allows the student to proceed to the next term. Continued progress in the program is contingent on satisfying conditions which may be prescribed as the terms of probation.


  1. Cumulative Average - Students who fail to maintain the minimum cumulative overall average requirement but who satisfy the other two requirements will receive the academic decision May Not Proceed. At the discretion of the Examinations and Promotions Committee such students must raise their cumulative average to a minimum of 70% by repeating the term or by repeating courses which are detrimental to their average and/or by taking approved elective courses before enrolling in the next higher level core or studio courses. The minimum cumulative average must be attained within the next calendar year. Failing this, the student will be Required to Withdraw. Failure to maintain the minimum cumulative average of 70% by the end of the next higher level term will result in the academic decision Required to Withdraw.
  2. Term Decision - The term decision is based on the previous term decision, the term average for the current term, and the number of courses with grades below 50. The term average is calculated using the weight of the course, the status of the course (e.g., DRNA) and the interpreted course grade. All grades above 32 are interpreted as the submitted grade. Courses with a submitted grade below 32 are interpreted for averaging purposes, as having a value of 32. Both the number of courses below 50 in the current term as well as the cumulative number of uncleared courses on a student's record can be part of the decision. 
  3. Studio Courses - Students who fail a studio course (ARCH 192, ARCH 193, ARCH 292, ARCH 293, ARCH 392, ARCH 393, ARCH 492, ARCH 493) but who satisfy the other requirements will receive the academic decision May Not Proceed. Such students must repeat and pass the studio course. Failure to pass the studio in question on the second attempt will result in the academic decision Required to Withdraw. Students may not register in any higher level studio course or core courses until the failed studio course is passed. Credit will be retained for courses passed in a term in which a studio course is failed.
  4. Elective Courses - Elective courses in the Architecture program are considered to be free electives. There are no level or area restrictions that impact course selection. Students may apply to use transfer credits to make up their elective requirements. Students may also elect to take their elective requirements via online courses or on a Letter of Permission. Students who fail more than one term elective course or equivalent in any single term (but who pass studio and maintain the minimum cumulative overall average) will receive the academic decision Proceed on Probation. Failed elective courses or their equivalents must be repeated and passed by the end of the next term of study. Should the student fail more than one half course or equivalent in the next term, the student will receive the academic decision Required to Withdraw.
  5. Core Courses - Students who fail or achieve incomplete status in two or more one-term courses or equivalent in any single term, including the 4A Rome term, and students who accumulate three or more failed or incomplete courses over a period of time (but who pass studio and maintain the minimum cumulative overall average) will receive the academic decision May Not Proceed. The failed core courses or equivalent must be repeated and passed before the student may register in any higher level studio or core courses. Should the student fail two or more one-term courses or equivalent in the next term, the student will receive the academic decision Required to Withdraw.
  6. Conditional Status (Proceed on Probation) - Notwithstanding the provisions of Notes 1 to 4, students who have been granted conditional status in a previous term during the course of the BAS, Honours academic program will be Required to Withdraw if at any subsequent time they fail to meet any one or more of the three basic requirements for unconditional promotion as stated in 1, 2, 3 under the Passing Requirements and Standing page.
  7. Incomplete Courses - Students who receive the decision INC, see Grades for description of grades. To obtain credit for a core or elective course subsequently, the student must retake and register again for the course (or an approved equivalent). For an elective course, an alternative may be taken.
  8. Failed Courses - When a course is repeated, both grades will appear on the student record and will be included in the calculation of the cumulative overall average. An exception applies to repeated core courses of greater than or equal to 1.0 credit weight. These will have the first failure removed from the average, however, the course attempt will be retained on the transcript.
  9. Course Loads - Normally, students of the School of Architecture are permitted to take only one more or one fewer term courses than that prescribed for the particular year and term in which they are registered. Any further addition or reduction to the student's program must be approved by the undergraduate officer of the School of Architecture.
  10. Appeals and Petitions - Refer to Policy 70-Student Petitions and Grievances, and Policy 72-Student Appeals, or in the Policies and Guidelines section of this Calendar.
  11. Letter of Permission - Students may request to take a course(s) at other universities for credit towards a University of Waterloo degree by Letter of Permission. A Letter of Permission is granted only to students who have successfully completed a minimum of four University of Waterloo courses and who are in good standing; that is, they have satisfied the minimum cumulative average requirements for their current program. A maximum total of three courses may be taken on a Letter of Permission or by Cross-Registration with Wilfrid Laurier University or by enrolling in a Laurier course that appears on the University of Waterloo Schedule of Classes.

    Courses taken on a Letter of Permission must be approved in advance by the undergraduate officer and recorded by the Office of the Registrar. Such courses must be taken at a degree granting university. Credit for courses taken on a Letter of Permission will be granted only when the assigned grade is equivalent to at least 60% on the University of Waterloo grade scale.

    Normally, courses considered by the Faculty of Engineering to be core or degree term requirements may not be taken on a Letter of Permission.

    Wherever possible, courses taken on a Letter of Permission will be recorded as the equivalent University of Waterloo course and graded as per policy for the Faculty of Engineering.
  12. Transfer Credits - Transfer credit may be given for courses in which a grade of 70% or better was obtained. Such courses must have been taken at a degree granting university. Application must be made to the undergraduate officer where transfer credits are desired as an exemption from required core courses.

    As the Honours Bachelor of Architectural Studies, Honours Architecture academic program is included in the accreditation review of the professional Master of Architecture program by the Canadian Architectural Certification Board, absolute equivalency of courses for transfer credit must be determined. It is the student's responsibility to submit transcripts and full course outlines for assessment.
  13. Co-op Work-term Reports - To be considered in good standing in Honours Co-operative programs, in addition to maintaining the required minimum cumulative averages, students must complete and submit satisfactory co-op work reports at the completion of each co-op work term. The normal date for submission is the end of the second week of classes of the following academic term. A minimum of three satisfactory work reports is required for the Bachelor of Architectural Studies, Honours co-op degree. Co-op work-term reports must be submitted prior to students being interviewed for their subsequent work-term opportunities. Students not meeting this requirement will not be included in the interview and job process for the subsequent term.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
Ira G. Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1