The following are the amendments that were made to the 2020-2021 Undergraduate Studies Academic Calendar since it was published on February 3, 2020.
March 3, 2020
Academic plan: Honours Co-operative Environmental Science, Water Science Specialization
- Edit: Total units changed from 22.0 to 21.75.
April 3, 2020
Page: Degrees Offered
- Edit: Added to degree hood description: black silk in the Oxford Bachelor shape.
Academic plan: Honours Health Studies
- Edit: Removed HLTH 320 from 3A/3B terms in course sequence, electives increased to four.
May 20, 2020
Page: Calendar of Events and Academic Deadlines
- Edit: Fall 2020 Course Selection Period (returning students) changed to "to be determined" (from May 21-June 1, 2020) due to COVID-19; indicated by the symbol ø.
June 1, 2020
Academic plans: Honours Biology, Microbiology Specialization (Regular and Co-operative)
- Edit: Units of BIOL at 400-level changed from 1.5 units to 2.0 units
June 4, 2020
Page: Calendar of Events and Academic Deadlines
- Edit: Fall 2020 course registration dates updated due to COVID-19; indicated by the symbol ø.
June 23, 2020
Page: Common Degree Requirements
- Edit: Added note. "Note: Any numeric grades converted to CR/NCR grades on a student's winter 2020 term record, whether determined by the instructor or student-initiated, will count as numerical grades for the purpose of the 50% rule. This means some plans may be completed with less than 50% of the academic units being counted in the average."
June 24, 2020
Page: Notice of Collection
- Edit: The following two paragraphs were updated:
Faculty or Institution of enrolment, programs of study, sessions registered, awards based on academic merit, degrees received, and dates of convocation is considered public information and is released upon request to authenticate students' current or past status at the University of Waterloo. Students who prefer that such information not be released are to advise the Office of the Registrar or Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs in writing, as appropriate.
Co-op students' grades, résumés, co-op work histories, and citizenship status (only provided to federal government offices, employers, or third parties contracted to act on their behalf) will routinely be provided to prospective co-op employers as part of the interview process to facilitate co-op work-term employment.
Page: Degree Requirements for all Math Students
- Edit: Definition of unit was updated: The credit value associated with any course. Normally, all courses offered in the Faculty of Mathematics have a value of 0.5 unit.
June 25, 2020
Page: Calendar of Events and Academic Deadlines
- Edit: Fall 2020 online class examination days removed due to COVID-19 (was December 11-12, 2020); indicated by the symbol ø.
- Edit: Renaming the final examinations period (from on-campus examinations) due to COVID-19; indicated by the symbol ø.
September 22, 2020
Page: Calendar of Events and Academic Deadlines
- Edit: Winter 2021 course registration dates updated due to COVID-19; indicated by the symbol ø.
September 29, 2020
Page: Calendar of Events and Academic Deadlines
- Edit: Winter 2021 online class examination days removed due to COVID-19 (was April 9-10, 2021); indicated by the symbol ø.
October 15, 2020
Academic plan: Planning - Urban Design Specialization
- Edit: PLAN 211 added as a requirement.
Academic plan: Planning - Decision Support and Geographic Information Systems Specialization
- Edit: Added the following text: The Diploma of Excellence in Geographic Information Systems is not available to students graduating with this specialization.
Academic plan: Diploma of Excellence in Geographic Information Systems
- Edit: Added the following text: This Diploma is not available to School of Planning students graduating with the Decision Support and Geographic Information Systems Specialization.
November 4, 2020
Page: Notice of Collection
- Edit: Updated the following text: The University also collects specific and limited personal information on behalf of the Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association and the Graduate Student Association. This information is used for membership administration, elections, annual general meetings, and the administration of student benefit plans and is disclosed to the two organizations and external plan providers solely for those purposes. Students should contact the office of either group if they have any questions about this matter.
November 12, 2020
Page: Calendar of Events and Academic Deadlines
- Edit: Updated the description and associated dates regarding the last date to arrange fees to "Last day to set up fee arrangement in Quest. Late Fees Arrangement Form required to become fees arranged after this date; visit Student Financial Services for more information"
- Fall 2020: Was October 31, changed to November 5.
- Winter 2021: Was January 31, changed to February 3.
- Spring 2021: Was June 30, changed to July 8.
- Edit: Winter 2021 fees due and late fees being dates updated due to COVID-19; indicated by the symbol ø.
November 19, 2020
Page: Calendar of Events and Academic Deadlines
- Edit: Winter 2021 dates (academic, add/drop, exam, finance) updated due to COVID-19; indicated by the symbol ø.
November 26, 2020
Page: Calendar of Events and Academic Deadlines
- Edit: Added the following exception. Winter 2021: Grades for all courses are due in the Office of the Registrar throughout the grade submission period. Final grades for all courses without a scheduled exam or without a major assignment during the final exam period are due seven days after the start of the examinations. Final grades for all courses with a scheduled exam during the final exam period (on-campus or online/remote) are due seven days from the date of the final exam. Final grades for courses with a major assignment due during the final exam period are due on the last day of the grade submission period.
December 15, 2020
Page: Calendar of Events and Academic Deadlines
- Edit: Winter 2021 late fees begin date updated from December 16, 2020 to January 30, 2021 due to COVID-19; indicated by the symbol ø.
January 19, 2021
Page: Calendar of Events and Academic Deadlines
- Edit: Spring 2021 dates (academic, add/drop, exam, finance) updated due to COVID-19; indicated by the symbol ø.
January 22, 2021
Page: Calendar of Events and Academic Deadlines
- Edit: Added the following exception. Spring 2021: Grades for all courses are due in the Office of the Registrar throughout the grade submission period. Final grades for all courses without a scheduled exam or without a major assignment during the final exam period are due 14 days after the start of examinations. Final grades for all courses with a scheduled exam during the final exam period (on-campus or online/remote) are due seven days from the date of the final exam. Final grades for courses with a major assignment due during the final exam period are due on the last day of the grade submission period.
March 23, 2021
Page: Calendar of Events and Academic Deadlines
- Edit: June 2021 convocation dates updated due to COVID-19; indicated by the symbol ø.
March 31, 2021
Page: Calendar of Events and Academic Deadlines
- Edit: Spring 2021 late fees begin date updated from April 27, 2021 to June 1, 2021 due to COVID-19; indicated by the symbol ø.
March 23, 2021
Page: Calendar of Events and Academic Deadlines
- Edit: June 2021 convocation dates updated due to COVID-19; indicated by the symbol ø.
April 28, 2021
Page: Awards of Excellence
- Edit: For Term Distinction, the academic standing of "Eligible" was added.
June 28, 2021
Academic plan: Applied Mathematics - Engineering Specialization: Fluids and Heat
Academic plan: Applied Mathematics - Engineering Specialization: Communication and Control
Academic plan: Applied Mathematics - Engineering Specialization: Heat and Mass Transfer
- Edit: Added the following text: This academic plan was discontinued, approved by Senate in June 2021. See the version of the Engineering Specialization in the 2021-2022 Undergraduate Studies Academic Calendar.
December 12, 2022
Page: Bachelor of Mathematics (Computer Science)
- Edit: List of "ACTSC 221, CO 353, CS 480" was corrected to "ACTSC 221, CO 353, CO 380, CO 480"