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Faculty of Science

Minors, Options, Joint Programs, and International Partnerships

Joint Honours Programs with Science (Home Faculty: Science)

Students in Honours BSc programs can have a significant concentration of coursework (approximately two times the amount required for a minor) in another subject/discipline recognized in their program name and degree via a Joint Honours plan. A Joint Honours plan must cross a Faculty line, e.g., Honours Science, Joint Honours Economics is possible. Students must meet all the requirements for their Science program and the joint honours requirements, and depending on the combination, this could require additional terms of study as Faculty of Science double-counting rules apply.

Approvals need to be sought, first from the academic advisor in the student’s primary program, and second from the advisor for the joint honours plan. The senior academic advisor in the Science Undergraduate Office serves as a resource for questions on process and approvals. Some coursework in the joint subject/discipline is needed to establish necessary average(s) and the basis for review. This means that normally, the earliest a Joint Honours request can be reviewed is in Year Two. At the end of studies, students receive one degree, a BSc, with an example of the degree name being 'Honours Science, Joint Honours Economics'.


Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Ira G. Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567