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The Undergraduate Calendar



General Information

Support Services and Resources

Support Services and Resources

There are numerous services and resources available to support students throughout their academic career. Some of the key support services and resources are listed below.

AccessAbility Services

The University has developed a number of academic accommodations and support services to assist students with disabilities. For more information, please see the AccessAbility Services website.

Campus Wellness

Campus Wellness encompasses Counselling Services and Health Services and provides students with all primary medical care and mental health services.

Conflict Management and Human Rights Office

Two programs are available by the Conflict Management and Human Rights Office:

  1. Resolution Support Program (RSP) – non-advocacy, trained volunteer support for persons working through (in)formal resolution processes on campus.
  2. Conflict Intervention Program (CIP) – a volunteer mediation service for parties working towards resolutions.

Equity Office

The Equity Office is a central source of expertise for the University of Waterloo community members on substantive equality, diversity, and inclusion matters.

Federation of Students (FEDS)

The Federation of Students advocates and supports students regarding a variety of academic affairs and students facing petitions/grievances/appeals processes.

Police Services

The University of Waterloo Police Services can assist 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

Sexual Violence Response Co-ordinator

Amanda Cook
Phone: 519-888-4567, ext. 36863

Student Success Office

The Student Success Office provides academic and personal development services, resources for international students, as well as study abroad and exchange support.

Writing and Communication Centre

The Writing and Communication Centre is a hub of communication and writing practice, support, and research on campus.


Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567