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The Undergraduate Calendar



Academic Plans and Requirements

Combinatorics and Optimization including Mathematical Optimization

Combinatorics and Optimization Minor

One of

MATH 103 Introductory Algebra for Arts and Social Science
MATH 106 Applied Linear Algebra 1
MATH 114 Linear Algebra for Science
MATH 115 Linear Algebra for Engineering
MATH 136 Linear Algebra 1 for Honours Mathematics
MATH 146 Linear Algebra 1 for Honours Mathematics (Advanced Level)

One of

MATH 135 Algebra for Honours Mathematics
MATH 145 Algebra (Advanced Level)
ECE 103 Discrete Mathematics
PMATH 340 Elementary Number Theory

One of

MATH 104 Introductory Calculus for Arts and Social Science
MATH 116 Calculus 1 for Engineering
MATH 117 Calculus 1 for Engineering
MATH 127 Calculus 1 for the Sciences
MATH 137 Calculus 1 for Honours Mathematics
MATH 147 Calculus 1 for Honours Mathematics (Advanced Level)

All of

MATH 239 Introduction to Combinatorics or MATH 249 Introduction to Combinatorics (Advanced Level)
CO 250 Introduction to Optimization or CO 255 Introduction to Optimization (Advanced Level)

Three of

CO 330 Combinatorial Enumeration
CO 331 Coding Theory
CO 342 Introduction to Graph Theory
CO 351 Network Flow Theory
CO 353 Computational Discrete Optimization
CO 367 Nonlinear Optimization
CO 370 Deterministic OR Models
CO 372 Portfolio Optimization Models
CO 430 to CO 487, excluding CO 480


  1. The Combinatorics and Optimization minor designation is not available to students outside the Faculty pursuing a Joint Honours Academic Plans with Mathematics or a Mathematics Minor.
  2. Other Linear Algebra and Calculus courses than those listed above may be used to satisfy the "One of" requirements above, with approval of the Combinatorics and Optimization advisor.


Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567