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The Undergraduate Calendar




Course Drop/Add Activity

Course Drop/Add Activity

For students assessed on a per course basis, the net effect of dropping and adding courses may change the overall fee assessment for the term. In general, adding a course will increase the fee assessment by the unit course fee to a maximum tuition charge equal to the basic term fee. Dropping a course may generate a refund, calculated on the same basis as a withdrawal at either 100%, 50%, or zero, depending on when the course is dropped. 

Refunds for credit balances created by dropping courses are mailed early in the third month of term to the student mailing address in Quest, provided it is an address in Canada. Students with mailing addresses outside of Canada will need to contact Student Financial Services to arrange to receive the refund.

Students who change their status from full-time on-campus to part-time on-campus within the first three weeks of the start of lectures each term become eligible for part-time incidental fees.


Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567