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Arts Degree Requirements

Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Arts Breadth Requirements

All Bachelor of Arts (BA) students must meet the BA Breadth Requirements:

Requirement Units Subjects
Fine, Performing, and Communication Arts 0.5 unit DAC, DRAMA, FINE, MUSIC, SPCOM, VCULT
Humanities 1.0 unit CLAS, ENGL, HIST, MEDVL, PHIL, RS
Languages and Cultures 1.0 unit ASL, CHINA, CI, CROAT, DUTCH, EASIA, FR, GER, GRK, ITAL, ITALST, JAPAN, JS, KOREA, LATPORT, REES, RUSS, SI, SPAN. See Note 4 below.
Social Sciences 2.0 units ANTH, ECONPSCI, PSYCH, SDS, SOC. See Note 2 below.
Transdisciplinary Studies 0.5 unit AFM, APPLS, ARBUS, ARTS, CMW, GBDA, HRM, HUMSC, INDG, INTST, LS, MGMT, PACS, SMF, SOCWKWS. Also any course taken in another University of Waterloo faculty. See Notes 1 and 5 below.


  1. Arts First courses (ARTS 130 and ARTS 140) do not fulfil any of the breadth requirements.
  2. No more than one academic course unit (two courses) in the same discipline may count towards the Social Sciences requirement.
  3. Cross-listed courses may be designated to fulfil any one requirement. For example, a student registered in PACS 203/HIST 232 may receive credit for either the Transdisciplinary Studies requirement or the Humanities requirement, but not for both.   
  4. Language courses accepted as transfer credits (e.g., LANG) may be counted towards the Languages and Cultures requirement.
  5. Because Professional Development (PD) courses are not regular academic courses, they do not fulfil any of the breadth requirements.
  6. Because Work-Term Report (WKRPT) courses are not regular academic courses, they do not fulfil any of the breadth requirements.
  7. For students enrolled in an Arts degree program prior to September 2008, refer to the Group A and B requirements. Those students who wish instead to adhere to the new Breadth Requirements (effective September 2008) may do so by petition to the Examinations and Standings Committee. 


Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567