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The Undergraduate Calendar



Faculty of Science

Faculty Information and Regulations

Rules for Students Enrolled in Faculty of Science Courses
  1. The Faculty constitutes the examining body for all courses. After the results have been considered they will be posted by the Registrar on Quest.
  2. In the Faculty of Science, Course and Unit have the following interpretations:
    • Course - a unit of study relating to a specific academic discipline and identified by a subject abbreviation and a number (e.g., BIOL 130). A course that has the letter L following the course number is a laboratory course (e.g., BIOL 130L). Course duration is normally one term.
    • Unit - the credit value associated with a course as designated in the course description. Unit weights are used in the calculation of averages for academic standing. Courses are given unit weights that vary from 0.00 to 3.00, with most being 0.5.
  3. Grades in individual courses will normally be reported as numerical grades on the scale 0 to 100. In exceptional circumstances, an instructor may report a non-numerical grade (refer to item #6).
  4. To obtain credit for a course, students must normally obtain a minimum grade of 50%. The minimum grade may be higher than 50% in certain courses (e.g., in OPTOM and PHARM courses). Course instructors are responsible for indicating clearly the grading practices in their courses, and students have a responsibility to understand the criteria used in determining final grades for a course.
  5. Students who do not complete a portion of a course for health or other documented circumstances should consult their course syllabus for accommodation rules and review Faculty information and instructions regarding accommodations.
  6. If appropriate, an instructor may report one of the following non-numerical grades for a student: INC, NMR, DNW, or IP. Science students should refer to the Grading System section of the calendar for descriptions of these grades while noting the following additional points:
    • INC (incomplete) is ignored for averaging purposes. The course counts as a course attempted but not failed. Students should not re-enrol in a course for which a grade of INC was given.
    • NMR (no mark recorded) counts as a failure and is included in student averages as a grade of 32%.
    • DNW (did not write) counts as a failure and is included in student averages as a course grade of 32%.
    • IP (in progress) indicates that the course is in progress as a result of the course design or delivery rather than student performance (e.g., honours thesis courses, extended duration courses). There is no grade assigned and no credit granted. For averaging purposes, and in the determination of academic standing, IP is ignored and does not count as a failed course. Students cannot graduate with an IP grade.

      In exceptional circumstances, one of the following non-numerical grades may be appropriate.

    • AEG (aegrotat) signifies the work or examination was incomplete because of illness or extenuating circumstances, and the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies) in consultation with the instructor is satisfied that credit should be received for the course. Credit is granted but no specific course grade is given.
    • CR (credit) indicates credit is granted. Performance was satisfactory but no specific course grade is given and AEG is not appropriate.
    • NCR (no credit) indicates credit is not granted. Performance was unsatisfactory; no specific course grade is given. NCR will not count in the cumulative averages but does count as a failed course.
    • UR (under review) indicates a course grade is under review by the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies) with a decision pending.


Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567