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Academic Plans and Requirements

Pure Mathematics

Pure Mathematics Overview

Mathematics is both an art and a science, and Pure Mathematics lies at its heart. Many study Pure Mathematics to pursue knowledge for its own sake and because of its beauty. Others want a strong foundation for graduate work or have a desire to apply their knowledge. Pure Mathematics courses explore the boundary of Mathematics and pure reason; they stimulate the mind, promise intellectual growth, and are an asset to any plan. We hope to impart to our students a love for learning, and to develop their abilities to work independently, and to think critically and creatively. This is achieved with a supportive atmosphere in which all students are challenged to fulfill their academic potential.

Pure Mathematics graduates have been successful in a wide variety of careers. Many go on to graduate school in a wide variety of disciplines. Others go into industry, as the skills they have acquired are recognized by employers as being valuable and transferable.

Pure Mathematics comprises a broad spectrum of Mathematics. Interests of the Department include algebra, number theory, analysis, geometry, topology, and logic, and range from the very classical to the most modern. The Department offers several honours plans including Honours Pure Mathematics, Honours Pure Mathematics/Teaching and Honours Mathematical Finance. It is also possible to do a minor in Pure Mathematics. All, except the Pure Mathematics/Teaching plan (which is co-op only), are available to both co-op and regular students. Co-operative students should consult the schedule of classes plan and their co-op sequence accordingly.

Many students have found it rewarding to combine Pure Mathematics or Mathematical Finance with another mathematical discipline or with each other. For such students double honours plans are available. A joint honours plan is available for Pure Mathematics. Students from other departments, especially those considering pursuing graduate work (in any area of Mathematics), are encouraged to speak with a Pure Mathematics advisor about which Pure Mathematics courses would be particularly important, interesting, and beneficial for them.

Students who have enjoyed their core mathematics courses and would like to obtain a broad base in mathematics, at a less intensive level than the traditional Honours Pure Mathematics plans, may be interested in pursuing an Honours Mathematical Studies with a minor in Pure Mathematics. Interested students should consult a Pure Mathematics advisor.

A more detailed description of the Department and its plans may be found on the Pure Mathematics website


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University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567