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The Undergraduate Calendar



Faculty of Environment

Academic Plans

Overview of Co-op Plans

To maintain satisfactory standing in a Faculty of Environment co-op program, students must meet the following requirements:

  1. A minimum of four satisfactory work terms.
  2. A minimum of four Professional Development (PD) courses.
    PD1 and PD12 are mandatory. PD1 must be taken prior to the first work term and PD12 during the first work term. PD12 must be completed by the end of the first work term.

    Students are encouraged to take a Professional Development course each work term until the requirement is met.
  3. A minimum of four Work-term Reports
    PD12 requires the submission of a written report. Successful completion of PD12 will be considered one of the four required work-term reports. The remaining three work-term reports are to be completed at the end of the second, third, and fourth work terms.

    For the purposes of recording work reports, the course label WKRPT (Work-term Report) will be added to the student’s record in the appropriate work term. A successful work-term report will be signified by a numerical grade which is not calculated into either the cumulative overall or major averages. Unit weighting for the WKRPT courses are not counted towards degree requirements for any Faculty of Environment academic plan.


  1. Students missing two (or more) co-op requirements by the end of their 3B term will normally be removed from co-op, unless they have successfully been employed for four work terms. These students will remain in co-op but will not be eligible for a co-op degree.
  2. Students not meeting their plan’s co-op requirements may be considered for transfer to another Environment academic plan (regular plan).
  3. Students are expected to follow the work-term sequence from the point of entry, subject to the minimum requirements for graduation within their individual academic plans. The sequencing of academic and work terms, and further information on co-operative study generally, is stated in the Co-operative Education and Career Action section of the Calendar.


Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567