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The Undergraduate Calendar



Academic Plans and Requirements

Applied Mathematics

Applied Mathematics with Engineering Electives (co-op only)

Enrolment in this plan is limited; a cumulative average of 70% or higher is strongly recommended. Students must choose one of two specializations in this option.

Both options have the same requirements as Honours Applied Mathematics, with the following additional requirements:

Fluids and Heat
All of
AMATH 342 Computational Methods for Differential Equations
AMATH 361 Continuum Mechanics
AMATH 463 Fluid Mechanics

One of

CO 250 Introduction to Optimization
CO 255 Introduction to Optimization (Advanced Level)
CO 367 Nonlinear Optimization
STAT 331 Applied Linear Models
STAT 340 Computer Simulation of Complex Systems

All of

GENE 123 Electrical Engineering
ME 219 Mechanics of Deformable Solids 1
ME 250 Thermodynamics 1
ME 353 Heat Transfer 1
ME 354 Thermodynamics 2
ME 456 Heat Transfer 2

One of

ME 557 Combustion 1
ME 564 Aerodynamics
ME 571 Air Pollution

2.5 units of courses from outside the Faculties of Engineering, Mathematics, and Science.

Communication and Control
All of
AMATH 342 Computational Methods for Differential Equations
AMATH 455 Control Theory

One of

CO 250 Introduction to Optimization
CO 255 Introduction to Optimization (Advanced Level)
CO 367 Nonlinear Optimization
CS 475 Computational Linear Algebra
STAT 331 Applied Linear Models
STAT 340 Computer Simulation of Complex Systems

All of

GENE 123 Electrical Engineering
ECE 207 Signals and Systems
ECE 240 Electronic Circuits 1
ECE 318 Analog and Digital Communications
ECE 380 Analog Control Systems

Two of

ECE 411 Digital Communications
ECE 413 Digital Signal Processing
ECE 484 Digital Control Applications
ECE 486 Robot Dynamics and Control
SYDE 372 Introduction to Pattern Recognition
SYDE 544 Biomedical Measurement and Signal Processing

2.5 units of courses from outside the Faculties of Engineering, Mathematics, and Science.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567