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Faculty of Engineering

Faculty Members

Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Legend for Faculty members of Mechanical Engineering holding cross appointment to:

1 Biology
2 Chemical Engineering
3 Civil and Environmental Engineering
4 David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science
5 Electrical and Computer Engineering
6 Kinesiology
7 Systems Design

Legend for Faculty members holding cross appointment to Mechanical Engineering from:

8 Applied Mathematics
9 Centre for Knowledge Integration 
10 Chemical Engineering
11 Civil and Environmental Engineering
12 Computer Science
13 Electrical and Computer Engineering
14 Kinesiology
15 Systems Design Engineering

*Also has Adjunct appointment

Faculty Members

Professor, Interim Department Chair

F.M. Ismail, BSc, MSc (Alexandria, Egypt), PhD (McMaster), PEng

Professor, Deputy Chair

J.P. Huissoon, BA, BAI, PhD (Trinity College, Dublin), PEng

Professor, Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies

D.C. Weckman, BASc, MASc, PhD (Waterloo), PEng

Professor, Associate Chair, Graduate Studies

H. Jahed, BSc, MSc (Houston), PhD (Waterloo), Recipient of the Faculty of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award

Professor, Director of Mechatronics Engineering

S. Bedi,4 BTech (The Warsaw University of Technology, Kanpur), MASc (British Columbia), PhD (Victoria), Recipient of the Faculty of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award, PEng

Distinguished Professor Emeriti

D.J. Burns, BSc, PhD (Bristol), FASME, PEng, CEng*
J.G. Lenard, BASc, MASc, PhD (Toronto), PEng*
A. Plumtree, BSc, PhD, DSc (Nottingham), FIM, FASM, PEng, CEng*
G.D. Raithby, BESc, MESc (Western Ontario), PhD (Minnesota), Recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award, FASME, PEng*
M.M. Yovanovich,4 BSc (Queen's), MS (Buffalo), ME, ScD (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), FAAAS, FAIAA, FASME, FCSME, FRSC, Recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award*, PEng


J. Callaghan,14 B of Physical Ed (Ottawa), MSc, PhD (Waterloo)
J.R. Culham, BASc, MASc, PhD (Waterloo), Recipient of the Faculty of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award, PEng
R.A. Fraser, BSc (Queen's), MA, PhD (Princeton), Recipient of the Faculty of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award, PEng
G. Glinka, MSc, PhD, DSc (Warsaw University of Technology)
C.M. Hansson,2 BSc, ARSM, PhD, DIC (Imperial College), PEng
G.R. Heppler,15 BASc, MASc, PhD (Toronto), Recipient of the Faculty of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award, PEng
A. Khajepour, BASc (Ferdowsi), MASc (Sharif), PhD (Waterloo), PEng
S.B. Lambert,7 BASc (Waterloo), MSc (Queen's), PhD (Waterloo), PEng
D. Li, BASc (Zhejiang University, China), MSc (Dalian Maritime University, China), PhD (Toronto)
X. Li, BEng (Tianjin), MSc, PhD (Northwestern), FCSME, FEIC, Recipient of the Faculty of Engineering Research Excellence Award, PEng
F-S Lien, BSc, MSc (Cheng Kung), PhD (UMIST), PEng
J.J. McPhee,15 CASc (Acadia), BEng (TUNS), MASc, PhD (Waterloo), Recipient of the Faculty of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award, PEng
J.B. Medley,5 BASc, MASc (Waterloo), PhD (Leeds), PEng
K.A. Morris,8 BSc (Queen's), MMath, PhD (Waterloo)
O. Ramahi,13 BS (Oregon), MS, PhD (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), NSERC-RIM Industrial Research Chair
M. Renksizbulut, BSc (Robert College), MSc (Middle East Technical), PhD (Northwestern), Recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award and the Faculty of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award, PEng
G.E. Schneider, BASc, MASc, PhD (Waterloo), PEng
G.D. Stubley, BASc (Waterloo), MSc (Stanford), PhD (Waterloo), Recipient of the Faculty of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award, PEng
P. Sullivan, BEng, MASc (TUNS), PhD (British Columbia), PEng, CEng
R.A. Varin, MSc, PhD (Warsaw University of Technology)
E.J. Weckman, BASc, MASc, PhD (Waterloo), PEng
M. Wells, BEng (McGill), PhD (University of British Columbia), PEng
M.J. Worswick, BASc, MASc, PhD (Waterloo), PEng
J.L. Wright, BASc, MASc, PhD (Waterloo), PEng
M. Yavuz,7 BS, MS (Middle East Technical), PhD (Wollongong)
Y.N. Zhou, BASc, MASc (Tsinghua), PhD (Toronto), PEng

Associate Professor

E. Abdel-Rahman,15 BS (Kuwait), MS, PhD (Toledo) 
M.R. Collins, BEng (Memorial), MSc, PhD (Queen's), PEng 
D. Cronin,6 BASc, MASc, PhD (Waterloo), Recipient of the Faculty of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award, PEng
C. Devaud, BASc (INSA of Rouen, France), MSc (Cranfield, England), PhD (Cambridge), PEng
K. Erkorkmaz, BSc (Istanbul Technical), MASc (Bogazici), PhD (British Columbia), PEng
S. Esmaeili, BSc, MSc (Shiraz), PhD (British Columbia), PEng
M. Fowler,10 BASc (Royal Military College, Kingston), MASc (Queen's), PhD (Royal Military College, Kingston), PEng, Recipient of the Faculty of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award
A. Gerlich, BASc, PhD (Toronto), PEng
R. Gorbet,9 BASc (Compiègne), MASc, PhD (Waterloo), PEng
K.A. Inal, BEng, MASc, PhD (Sherbrooke)
D.A. Johnson, BEng, MEng, PhD (McMaster), PEng
B. Khamesee, BSc (Amirkabir), MSc, PhD (MIE, Japan), PEng
J. Kofman,15 BEng, (McGill), MScA (École Polytechnique, Université de Montréal), PhD (McGill University), PEng
M. Mayer, BSc, MSc (Dipl. Phys. ETH), PhD (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich-ETH)
W. Melek, BASc (Zagazig), MASc, PhD (Toronto), PEng
P. Nieva, BASc (National University of Engineering, Lima), MASc, PhD (Northeastern)
C. L. Ren,1 BASc, MASc (Harbin), PhD (Toronto), PEng
Z. Tan,3 BSc, MSc (Tsinghua), PhD (Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), PEng
E. Toyserkani, BSc (Sharif ), MASc (Polytechnic University of Technology, Iran), PhD (Waterloo), Recipient of the Faculty of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award, PEng
T.Y. Tsui,10 BS (Clemson University), MSc, PhD (Rice University)
S. Yarusevych, BASc (National Technical University of Ukraine), MASc, PhD (Toronto), PEng
J. Yeow,15 BSc, MSc, PhD (Toronto), PEng

Assistant Professor

A. Al-Mayah,11 BSc (Barsah, Iraq), MSc, PhD (Waterloo), PEng
A. Brzezinski, BASc (Toronto), PhD (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
N. Chandrashekar, BEng (BIET, India), MASc, PhD (Texas Tech University), PEng
K. Daun, BSc (Manitoba), MASc (Waterloo), PhD (University of Texas at Austin), PEng
B. Fidan, BS (Middle East Technical), MS (Bilkent), PhD (Southern California), PEng
S. Jeon, BS, MS (Seoul National University), PhD (University of California at Berkeley), PEng
H.J. Kwon, BSc (Seoul National University), MSc (KAIST), MSc, PhD (Alberta), PEng
S. Peterson, BSc (Arizona State), MASc, PhD (Purdue)
A. Salehian, BS, MS (University of Technology, Iran), MS (Worcester Polytechnic Institute), PhD (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
S. Waslander, BScE (Queen's), MS, PhD (Stanford), PEng
J. Wen,2 BS (Harbin Engineering University), MASc, PhD (Toronto), PEng


O. Nespoli, BSc (Queen's), MASc (Waterloo), PEng
P. Teertstra, BSE (Calvin College, USA), MASc, PhD (Waterloo), PEng

Adjunct Professor

S.F.J. Corbin, BEng, MASc (TUNS), PhD (McMaster), PEng
A. Strong, BASc, MASc, PhD (Waterloo), PEng

Adjunct Associate Professor

G.A. Davidson, BASc, PhD (Toronto), Recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award and the Faculty of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award, PEng
S. Lawson, BASc, MASc, PhD (Waterloo), PEng

Adjunct Assistant Professor

C. Hulls, BASc, MASc, PhD (Waterloo), PEng
T. Nguyen, BASc, MASc, PhD (Waterloo)

Adjunct Lecturer

W. Owen, BASc, MASc (British Columbia), PhD (Toronto), PEng

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University of Waterloo
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200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567