The International Development Minor is available to University of Waterloo undergraduate students who are enrolled in an Honours or Four Year General plan.
The requirements of the Minor are 5.0 units (ten courses) with a minimum overall cumulative average of 65% and the completion of the Community Service Experience.
Required Courses: Eight Courses
ENVS 200, ERS 215, INDEV 100 or PSCI 252, INDEV 200, 300, GEOG 101, 203, and one of INDEV 302 or 308
Elective Courses: Two Courses
One of: ERS 404, GEOG 426, 461, 462, PLAN 432, 433
One of: ANTH 370, ERS 372, RS 285, 381
Community Service Experience Requirement
The International Development Minor requires the completion of a pre-approved community service experience or educational seminar focused on community development issues of at least three weeks duration in Canada or internationally. Pre-approval is required by the International Development Field Placement and Language Program Coordinator (INDEV FPC). This requirement must be organized by the student with support from INDEV FPC and is to be completed at the student's own expense. Co-op work terms that meet the above description will normally qualify for the requirement.