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Arts Academic Plans

Spanish and Latin American Studies

Specialization in Spanish/English Translation

The Specialization in Spanish/English Translation is open to students enrolled in a Four-Year General or an Honours Spanish academic plan and is designed for students who wish to explore a specific area of second language acquisition. Entry to the specialization requires the approval of the Director of the translation academic plan.

Students will be introduced to current issues of translation (business, technical, literary), while acquiring important research skills. Students will also be introduced to technological resources used today in translation and will consider various new avenues, such as software localization, where specific translation skills are in demand.

It is especially suitable for those seeking careers in businesses operating in Spanish speaking countries, in government and development bodies, in church-based agencies, or in other organizations active in the Hispanic world.

Courses offered by the Department of Spanish and Latin American Studies deal with both the Spanish language and civilizations. Civilization courses are taught in English.


The Specialization in Spanish/English Translation requires:

  1. Successful completion of four academic course units (eight courses) with a minimum cumulative average of 75%, including:
  2. Successful completion of a final examination in Spanish/English translation.


  1. The final examination will be administered after successful completion of all required courses. The required passing grade is 75%.
  2. Please note that ENGL 306A will be required only during those years when SPAN 445 is not available. Please discuss with the Director of the academic plan.
  3. Some of the courses are offered in alternate years or may be taken in sequence. A minimum of two academic years are required to complete any of the translation academic plans.
  4. Students enrolled in any of the translation academic plans may choose to spend one semester in a School of Translation in a university in Latin America or Spain.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567