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Arts Academic Plans

Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies

Honours Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies (Arts and Business Co-op and Regular)

Students may combine the Honours Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies academic plan with Arts and Business. 

Continuation in this academic plan requires a cumulative overall average of 60% and a cumulative average of 75% in SMF and Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies approved courses.

Eligibility for graduation in the Honours Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies (Arts and Business Co-op and Regular) academic plan includes successful fulfillment of the following requirements:

  1. Appropriate Program-level requirements. See Bachelor of Arts Degree Requirements.
  2. Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies Plan-level requirements:
  3. Arts and Business requirements.


  1. Some of the required courses have prerequisites that students are recommended to take in their first year. Consult the calendar description for each course.
  2. Students are encouraged to discuss their electives with the Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies academic advisor.
  3. SMF 204 and PSYCH 236 are antirequisites; students are not permitted to take both courses for credit towards their degree.
  4. SMF 306 and PSYCH 354/354R are antirequisites; students are not permitted to take both courses for credit towards their degree.
  5. No one course may fulfill more than one requirement within any Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies plan.

Further Information

Contact the Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies Department at St. Jerome's University.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567