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Arts Degree Requirements

Residency Requirement

Residency Requirement

Students are required to take at least 50% of the courses required for their current degree (or diploma) program at the University of Waterloo while registered in the Faculty. These courses must be graded on a numerical basis. This residency requirement applies in the case of all transfers, whether internal or external, including second Bachelor of Arts degrees (see the Transfer Credit section for exceptions). These University of Waterloo courses must include:

  • at least half the total number of academic course units required for each major, minor, or diploma;
  • at least 6.5 academic course units (13 courses) in Arts subjects for a Four-Year Liberal Studies degree;
  • at least four academic course units (eight courses) in Arts subjects for a Three-Year Liberal Studies degree.

While all students in the Faculty of Arts are bound by the 50% residency requirement rule, those students interested in pursuing an international exchange program sponsored by one of the Arts Faculty departments (e.g., Paris [French Studies], Waterloo in Germany [Germanic and Slavic Studies]) should consult the Transfer Credit section for special regulations which apply to these programs.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567