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Faculty of Applied Health Sciences

Health Studies

Health Research Specialization

Employers need professionals who can understand, generate, and assess health research to enable effective decision-making. Graduate and professional schools are looking for undergraduates with demonstrated experience in research design, data management, analysis, and critical interpretation.  In the Health Research Specialization, students will be provided with advanced opportunities to use and generate research and evaluation data relevant to the design and implementation of health programs, services, and policies and systems.

This Specialization is designed for Health Studies students who are considering graduate studies and/or professional health research careers. The curriculum combines in-depth preparation in research methods, advanced seminars and the opportunity to collaborate with a faculty member in the development of an honours thesis.

Admission to the Specialization requires at least good standing with an overall cumulative average of 75% (minimum) and a cumulative Major average of 75% (minimum). Students may only declare one Specialization. Students may declare the Health Informatics Option, Gerontology Minor or Option in Aging Studies concurrent with the Specialization.

In order to graduate with this Specialization, the following requirements must be met:

  1. An overall cumulative average of 75% and cumulative Major average of 75%.
  2. Declare Specialization by the beginning of 3B academic term.
  3. Successful completion of 21.0 units, including all requirements of the Honours BSc Health Studies Degree.
  4. Successful completion of 2.5 total units including the following:
    • (1.0 unit) 4th year Research Methods HLTH 433, 442444 or a course approved by the Associate Director, Undergraduate Studies
    • (1.0 unit) HLTH 432 A/B Honours Thesis
    • (0.5 unit) 4th year seminar course from HLTH 421, 448, 449, 451, 452, 461, 471, or a 473 approved by the Associate Director, Undergraduate Studies  

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567
 Campaign Waterloo