There are financial and academic consequences related to voluntary withdrawal. Individual Faculty sections should be consulted for deadlines and policies associated with voluntary withdrawal, with or without academic penalty. Students are normally encouraged to speak to their advisors before withdrawing.
A student who finds it necessary to withdraw from attendance is normally required to obtain a Notice of Withdrawal form from the Registrar's website. This Notice, when signed by both the Dean and the Registrar, or their delegates, may entitle the student to a refund of tuition fees calculated as follows:
- Students withdrawing up to the end of the third calendar week from the start of lectures each term (first week for Summer Session) will receive a full refund of all fees.
- Students withdrawing in calendar weeks four to seven from the start of lectures each term (second week of Summer Session) will receive a 50% refund of each of the following fees: tuition, Co-op fee, work report marking fee, CanCopy fee, and student services fee.
- Refunds are not provided to students who withdraw after calendar week seven from the start of lectures each term (week two of Summer Session). The specific withdrawal refund dates are indicated on the schedule of Due Dates and available at Important Dates, each term.
- Requests for refunds of refundable Incidental Fees, including the WPIRG Fee, Imprint Fee, Sandford Fleming Foundation Fee, and Student Society Fee, must be addressed in person to the organization concerned during the first three weeks after the start of lectures each term.
- Requests for refunds of Science Foundation Fee and Student Endowment Fund contributions must be registered online by visiting the corresponding website during the first three weeks after the start of lectures each term.
- Requests for refunds of fees charged for supplementary health and dental coverage (charged as part of the Federation of Students Administered Fee) must be requested online at the studentcare website. Students may opt-out annually during the first month of the Fall term, with acceptable proof of equivalent coverage, to receive a refund directly from studentcare. Winter term students who were not on academic term in the Fall may opt out during the first three weeks after classes start in the Winter term. The benefits associated with the supplementary health insurance and dental plan will be cancelled for those students who withdraw during the first three weeks from the start of lectures.
- Federation of Students and Student Coordinated Plan Fees are refundable only to students who withdraw during the first three weeks after the start of lectures each term.
- Certain scholarships and bursaries are given on the condition of completion of the term involved. Any withdrawal refunds will be credited to the agency as required.
The University reserves the right to require a student to withdraw when, in the opinion of University officials, a student poses a danger to the University community or is not profiting from University studies.