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The Undergraduate Calendar



Global Experience Certificate

Course Requirements

Course Requirements
ECON 231 lntroduction to lnternational Economics
ECON 332 lnternational Finance
ECON 335 Economic Development
ECON 461 Comparative Economic Systems
ENVS 220 Ecological Economics
ERS 404/PSCI 432 Global Environmental Governance
GEOG 323/REC 383 Perspective on International Tourism
GEOG 426 Geographies of Development
GEOG 429 Global Food Systems
GEOG 459 Energy and Sustainability
INDEV 100 Introduction to International Development
INDEV 200 The Political Economy of Development
INDEV 202 Accounting for Development Organizations
INDEV 212 Problem-solving for Development
INTST 101 Introduction to lnternational Studies
INTTS 301 Institutions of International Trade and Finance
PACS 201 Roots of Conflict, Violence and Peace
PACS 202 Conflict Resolution
PHIL 224 Environmental Ethics
PSCl 252 Global South: Introduction to lnternational Development
PSCI 281 World Politics
PSCI 283 International Political Economy
PSCl 350  Political Economy of Development  
PSCl 387 Globalization
PSCl 453 Democracy and Development  
PSCl 454 Advanced Topics in Third World Politics and Development 
PSYCH 222R Cross-Cultural Psychology
RS 100 Religions of the East
RS 261/PHIL 237 Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion
SCI 250 Environmental Geology
SCI 462 Biology of Food Production
SOC 256 Ethnic and Racial Relations
SOC 286 Environment and Behaviour
SPCOM 226 lntroduction to Intercultural Communication

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567
 Campaign Waterloo