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Faculty of Applied Health Sciences

Human Nutrition

Human Nutrition Minor

The Minor in Human Nutrition is open to University of Waterloo students who wish to obtain some specialization in nutrition.

Academic Requirements for the Minor:

  1. Students must be in an honours or four-year general program at the University of Waterloo.
  2. An overall minimum average of 67% is required for courses presented for the minor.
  3. Normally, a maximum of 5 courses (2.5 units) obtained on letter of permission or in transfer credit may be applied toward fulfillment of Human Nutrition Minor course requirements. These courses must be equivalent to courses listed in the course requirements as assessed by the department offering the replaced course.
  4. Successful completion of 5.0 units from the following requirements:

Required Courses (2.5 units):
BIOL 273: Principles of Human Physiology 1
BIOL 373: Principles of Human Physiology 2
HLTH/KIN 346: Human Nutrition
KIN 217: Human Biochemistry OR CHEM 233: Fundamentals of Biochemistry OR CHEM 237: Introductory Biochemistry
KIN 446: Physiological and Biochemical Aspects of Nutrition and Health

Electives: (2.5 units):
BIOL 241: Intro to Applied Microbiology
BIOL 345: Microorganisms in Foods
HLTH 349: Health Behaviour Change OR HLTH 360: Psychological Determinants of Health
HLTH/KIN 407: Physiology of Coronary Heart Disease
HLTH 421: Nutritional Aspects of Chronic Disease
HLTH 449: Alcohol and Drug Use and Abuse in Contemporary Society
HLTH 471: Psychopharmacology and Addiction
KIN 307: Methods in Physiological Research
KIN 404: Physiological Basis of Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes
KIN 408: Cardiovascular Physiology and Pathophysiology
KIN 429: Bone and Joint Health
KIN 432: Research Project (Nutrition) OR HLTH 432: (B) Honours Thesis (Nutrition)*
KIN 433: Senior Essay (Nutrition) OR KIN 472: Directed Study in Special Topics (Nutrition) OR HLTH 472: Independent Study (Nutrition) OR HLTH 473: Contemporary Issues in Health (Nutrition)*
KIN 470: Seminar in Kinesiology, Topic: Nutrition*

*Transfer course equivalency, topic of independent study, research projects and seminar courses must be approved by Human Nutrition program director.

Further Information

For more information about the Minor in Human Nutrition, please contact:

Department of Kinesiology
B.C. Matthews Hall 
University of Waterloo 
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1 
519-885-4567 ext. 36363

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567
 Campaign Waterloo