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The Undergraduate Calendar



Faculty of Applied Health Sciences


Advanced Standing

Normally students transferring from other universities may be granted credit for relevant courses in which they have received a grade of 60.0% or better.

One term of advanced work experience standing may be granted to students transferring into the third year of the Co-operative system of study in Applied Health Sciences. Details are available from the Department of Co-operative Education and Career Services.

Regardless of the number of courses that are presented for transfer, students admitted from another University of Waterloo Faculty or other post secondary institution will be required to complete a minimum of 50% of their course work while registered in the new academic plan within the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences.

University of Waterloo students have two options with respect to the assignment of transfer credits. These options are:

Option One: All courses, both passed and failed, taken in other Faculties at the University of Waterloo are transferred and are used in the calculation of cumulative overall and major averages.

Option Two: Only courses in which a grade of 60.0% or better has been achieved will be transferred. These courses will not be used in the calculation of cumulative and major averages.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567
 Campaign Waterloo