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The Undergraduate Calendar



Physics and Astronomy

Honours Major Academic Plans - Co-operative

Honours Co-operative Mathematical Physics (Biophysics Specialization)
In addition to the core requirements for the Honours Co-operative Mathematical Physics Plan listed above, Honours Co-operative Mathematical Physics (Biophysics Specialization) students must also successfully complete the following requirements:

BIOL 130 Introductory Cell Biology (normally taken in term 2A)
BIOL 139 Genetics (normally taken in term 2B)
BIOL 308 Principles of Molecular Biology (normally taken in term 3A)
CHEM 266 Basic Organic Chemistry 1 (normally taken in term 4A)
PHYS 380 Molecular Biophysics (normally taken in term 3B)
PHYS 480 Radiation Biophysics (normally taken in term 4A)
PHYS 482 Physics of Medical Imaging (normally taken in term 4B)

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567
 Campaign Waterloo