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Academic Plans - Departmental


Minor in Biochemistry

Advisors: Drs. B. Butler and B. Greenberg (Biology), Drs. E. Daub and S. Forsey (Chemistry)

The Biochemistry Minor is designed for students in either Biology or Chemistry who do not qualify for a minor in the other discipline. The Biochemistry Minor is also available to students in other plans.

In order to graduate with a Minor in Biochemistry, the following requirements must be met.

  1. The following courses must be successfully completed.

BIOL 130, 140;
CHEM 120, 120L, 123, 123L, 233 or 237, 264, 265, 265L or 266L, 333 or 331;
Four of BIOL 208, 331, 354, 428, 431, 434, 438, 439, 448;
Two of CHEM 357, 432, 433, 434.

  1. A minimum cumulative average of 60% must be obtained separately in Biology and Chemistry.

CHEM 266 and CHEM 267 normally will not count towards the Minor in Biochemistry. A Minor in Biochemistry will not be awarded together with a Minor in Biology and/or Chemistry (as this would require triple counting of some courses).

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567
 Campaign Waterloo