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Academic Plans - Departmental


School of Optometry Academic Regulations
The School of Optometry sets and administers its examinations in accordance with the rules and regulations set down by the University and the Faculty of Science. Decisions regarding course grades are those of the instructor. Student's academic standings are considered each term by the Optometry faculty body and are made in accordance with the regulations listed below. All decisions on academic standing and grades are reported to the student through the Registrar’s Office.

The factors considered in academic standings in Optometry are the term average, the overall average, the number of failures, and the student standing (e.g., satisfactory, conditional). The minimum overall and term averages needed to remain in the Optometry program are 60%. The minimum passing course grade in Optometry is 60% except for Optometry 348A, 348B, 458, 468, and 478 in which 70% is a passing grade. Grades below the specified passing grade result in a course failure.

A.  Academic Decisions on Standing
1.  Satisfactory Standing

  • the student achieves term and overall averages of 60% or better, with no failures*.

"Satisfactory Standing" entitles the student to proceed to the next term. *In the first two years of the program, a student with only one failure per term may proceed to the next term; however, any failed course must be cleared before proceeding into the next academic year. The mechanism for clearing a failed course is indicated below.

2.  Conditional Standing
A student is placed on "Conditional Standing"

  • for a minimum of two terms upon returning to the Optometry program after a decision of "Failed – Required to Withdraw."
  • for the remainder of the program after accumulating a total of four course failures in the Optometry program.
  • for the repeated term(s) after a decision of "May Not Proceed."
  • for the remainder of the program after any failed course in fourth year.

"Conditional Standing" requires that the student maintain a standard of performance during the conditional term(s). The student must clear the conditional term(s) by achieving term and overall averages of 60% or better while having no failures or incomplete courses. Failure to achieve these conditions will lead to "Failed - Required to Withdraw."

3.  May Not Proceed
A student receives this standing if:

  • the student achieves a term average of 60% or better but has failed two courses in a term.
  • the student, at the end of the third year, has not successfully completed all Optometry courses in the first three years.

A student will be required to stay out of the program until the next term the courses are offered. A student clearing failed courses under this rule must achieve a passing grade in the courses; otherwise the student will receive "Failed – Required to Withdraw" from Optometry. Only after the failed courses are cleared will the student be permitted to proceed to the next degree term.

4.  Failed – Required to Withdraw
A student is required to withdraw if,

  • the student fails to achieve either a term or an overall average of 60% or better.
  • the student fails three or more courses in an academic term.
  • the student, who is on conditional standing, fails to achieve a term and or overall average of 60%, fails one or more courses or receives an INC.
  • the student leaves the program without proper notification and fails to write examinations (a grade of DNW is assigned for these courses).

"Failed – Required to Withdraw" requires that the student’s registration in the Optometry program be revoked. Readmission is not guaranteed. If granted, readmission cannot occur during the two academic terms following "Failed – Required to Withdraw."

5.  Failed – May Not Continue in Faculty
A student will receive this standing if,

  • the student has been re-admitted and upon return has not achieved a term and overall average of at least 60% and/or has failed one or more courses.
  • the student has accumulated five course failures in the Optometry program.
  • the student has failed the same course twice.
  • the student is deemed by the Optometry Faculty to be unlikely to benefit from further participation in the Optometry program.

"Failed – May Not Continue in Faculty" requires that the student’s registration in Optometry be revoked. Readmission into the Optometry program or any other program in the Faculty of Science is not possible.  

6.  Recommended for Doctor of Optometry Degree
A student qualifies if, the student has successfully completed all requirements of the Optometry program.

"Recommended for Doctor of Optometry Degree" entitles the student to graduate with the OD degree.

7.  Recommended for Doctor of Optometry Degree with Distinction
A student qualifies if,

  • the student has demonstrated superior academic performance (a final cumulative overall average of 80% or better in the Optometry program) while successfully completing all requirements of the Optometry program.
"Recommended for Doctor of Optometry Degree with Distinction" entitles the student to graduate with the OD degree and be placed on the Dean’s Honours List.

B.  Clearing Failed Courses
Normally, failed required courses may be passed in one of two ways. Optometry will decide which mechanism is appropriate. The two options are:

  1. Obtaining a grade of 60% or more for the course based on the outcome of a supplemental examination. There is a fee for supplemental exams. Supplemental examinations may not be available for all courses. Normally, a supplemental examination may be offered if there is only one failure in the term and the student is in satisfactory academic standing. If a supplemental examination is to be offered, the student will be given a letter regarding the supplemental examination. When a supplemental examination is passed, "Sup Satisfied" will appear on Quest and on the Transcript in the "Sup" field adjacent to the original grade for the course. Only one attempt at a supplemental examination is allowed. If the student is not successful, s/he must re-take the course when it is next offered, and may not proceed to the next term.
  2. Re-taking the course and obtaining a grade of 60% or more for the course. When a failed course has been successfully re-taken the grade obtained in the retake course is indicated on Quest and on the Transcript. The original course and failing grade remains on the Transcript. If a grade of less than 60% is obtained for a repeat course, the student is given the academic decision "Failed - May Not Continue in Faculty."
Failure to Enrol
A student will be deemed to have withdrawn from the Optometry program if by the "Final Registration Date" (as defined in the "Fees" chapter of the University Calendar):
  • the student has not enrolled in the courses for the term in which s/he would normally be expected to enrol, and
A student who voluntarily withdraws from the term is expected to return to the Optometry program within one year from the beginning of the term from which s/he is withdrawing. If the student has not enrolled in the program during this period, s/he will be deemed to have withdrawn from the Optometry program.

A student who withdraws from the Optometry program, or is deemed to have done so, will be required to apply for re-admission in order to be considered for continuation in the program.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567