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Bachelor of Applied Science and Bachelor of Software Engineering Specific Degree Requirements

Faculty Options

Option in Mathematics

The aim of the Mathematics Option is to provide the student with a broad background in either pure or applied mathematics with an opportunity to take some courses in an area of specialization.

There are six required courses:
MATH 211 Advanced Calculus 1 (or equivalent)
MATH 212 Advanced Calculus 2 (or equivalent)
ECE 316 Probability and Statistics (or equivalent)
MATH 235 Linear Algebra 2
PMATH 334 Introduction to Rings and Fields
or PMATH 336 Introduction to Group Theory
or PMATH 345 Polynomials, Rings and Finite Fields
AMATH/PMATH 331 Real Analysis
or AMATH/PMATH 332  Complex Analysis

A student must additionally take two courses from the following, subject to availability and timetable constraints.

AMATH 331/PMATH 331 Real Analysis
AMATH 332/PMATH 332 Complex Analysis
AMATH 333/PMATH 365  Differential Geometry and Tensor Analysis
AMATH 351 Ordinary Differential Equations
AMATH 353 Partial Differential Equations 1
AMATH 361 Continuum Mechanics
AMATH 453 Partial Differential Equations 2
AMATH 451 Introduction to Dynamical Systems
AMATH 456 Calculus of Variations
PMATH 334 Introduction to Rings and Fields
or PMATH 345 Polynomials, Rings and Finite Fields
PMATH 336 Introduction to Group Theory
or PMATH 346 Group Theory
PMATH 340 Elementary Number Theory
PMATH 360 Geometry
MATH 239 Introduction to Combinatorics
CO 342 Graph Theory 1
CO 350 Linear Programming
CO 367 Nonlinear Programming

The list of courses will be subject to change from time to time. For further information contact the Option Co-ordinator.


Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567