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The Undergraduate Calendar



Bachelor of Applied Science and Bachelor of Software Engineering Specific Degree Requirements

Examinations and Promotions

1A Term Rules
In the preceding rules, all except rules 3, 4, and 5 apply to 1A students. Rules 14 and 15 may be of particular interest.
All 1A students are expected to enrol in those courses specified in the calendar for the 1A term of their program (i.e., Electrical Engineering). These are the courses used to calculate the term average which is used in making promotion decisions.

A student who achieves a term average of 60% or better with no course grade below 50% will be Promoted.
A student who achieves a term average of 50% or better (but less than 60%) with no course grades below 50% will Proceed to 1B Term.

A student who achieves a term average of 50% or better with one or two course grades below 50% will be Conditionally Promoted. The courses with grades below 50% are included in the failure count and must be cleared as described in Rule 7 above. The 1A failures are not included in the cumulative failures until the evaluation of the student's 2A term.

A student with a term average below 50% or with more than two course grades below 50% will be Required to Withdraw after 1A Engineering. The student may request a Qualifying Program for Readmission (QPR) and on successful completion of the QPR will be readmitted to their program at the 1B level.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567